LPL Financial LLC has debuted a Vendor Affinity Program, an
initiative to help LPL advisers reduce the complexity and costs of running
their businesses via a centralized repository of vendors that have agreed to
provide products and services at discounted prices.
Advisers and their staff can access the program through an
online portal that is the central information hub. Advisers, program managers
and staff can review and compare third-party vendors offering products and
services to help them run and expand their businesses.
Program participation gives advisers access to more than 50
vendors—including Orion, Morningstar, S&P Capital IQ, McAfee, Malwarebytes,
FedEx, Staples, Avis and Tiffany’s— that provide an array of products and
services to address a range of facets of an adviser’s business, including document
management, financial planning, performance reporting, CRM, research,
analytics, marketing, social media, practice management and client
Participating vendors provide a price discount ranging from
10% to 80%, depending on the product, service and vendor. Vendors were selected
based on adviser experience and their ease of doing business with LPL advisers,
and have met certain security and compliance requirements.
Technology is a major contributor to creating
increased efficiency and driving greater productivity, according to Victor
Fetter, LPL managing director and chief information officer. “Being able to
connect LPL clients with leading technology solution providers through this
program adds a new dimension to the level of service and support we can provide
to clients to help them manage and grow their businesses,” Fetter said in a
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SEC Faces Its Own Debate on Fiduciary Advice Standards
Transcripts from a tough SEC hearing called earlier this month show it's not just the Department of Labor considering changes to the application of the fiduciary standard.
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is hard at work developing a
recommendation for a uniform fiduciary advice standard to be applied widely across advisory and broker/dealer channels.
Officials confirmed during a July 16 meeting of the SEC’s Investor Advisory Committee that the market regulator is progressing in its effort to strengthen and align fiduciary standards for financial advisers and broker/dealers. One industry expert called before the committee remarked that it has been a little more than a year and a half since the SEC first said it would look to extend the fiduciary duty to
broker/dealers and other parties when they give personalized investment advice to their customers.
“We have been told that the staff and various divisions of the commission
are hard at work on a recommendation,” said Barbara Roper, director of investor protection at the Consumer Federation of America. “We are pleased that there appears to be
progress in the making.”
The SEC action has so far taken something of a back seat to the Department of Labor’s (DOL) ongoing efforts to increase consumer protections in the retirement plan investing domain. The DOL proposed its reworked fiduciary rule in April, and even with considerable industry backlash, the DOL is much farther along in its project. Like the DOL, the SEC says its rulemaking is meant to tamp down on a variety of investor abuses and service provider conflicts of interest believed to be harming millions of investors inside and out of retirement plans.
“Sales-based financial professionals perceived and relied on
as advisers by retail customers are exempt from the fiduciary duty that would
otherwise apply to investment advice in a relationship of trust,” Roper said. “In seeking to
close the loopholes in its definition of investment advice, the DOL is
grappling with many of the same issues that the SEC will face as it undertakes
rulemaking—although the DOL’s jurisdiction is, of course, different. It’s not
limited to securities. It covers issues in the retirement plan context, where
the SEC does not have authority.”
The hearing featured DOL officials and others testifying on a variety of related issues. Roper highlighted a series of questions the SEC should now be working to answer: “How do you make a best interest
standard real in business models that are laden with conflicts of interest?”
she asked. “How do you apply the standard in certain areas, for example with regard to
sales from a limited menu of products? How do you deal with the issue of the ongoing duty of care?”
NEXT: DOL officials weigh in on why now
For its part, the Department of Labor decided it was time to readdress the
fiduciary standard “because the retirement landscape has changed in the past 40
years,” said Judy Mares, deputy assistant secretary at the Employee Benefits
Security Administration (EBSA) at the DOL. “Today, there is $7 trillion in
IRAs, $5 trillion in defined contribution (DC) plans and only $3 trillion in
defined benefit plans. An individual’s need to plan and execute their
retirement savings path has become critical, and the regulatory landscape hasn’t
adapted to that shift.”
This is especially true as 10,000 Baby Boomers will be retiring every day over
the next 17 years—adding another $2 trillion to IRAs, she said. “We think it is
important to provide more consumer protections,” Mares said. Investors suffer
$17 billion a year in investment losses and higher fees, she said.
Extending protections to IRA investors should be a significant component
of both DOL and SEC rulemaking, said Timothy Hauser, deputy assistant
secretary for program operations at EBSA. “If you are a fiduciary under ERISA,
you automatically have an obligation of prudence, loyalty and a whole array of
reporting disclosures—and you are also subject to a set of prohibited
transaction rules,” he suggested. “In the IRA context, only the prohibited transaction rules
apply.” He went on to agree with Mares that today’s investment advice marketplace is very “conflicted” and could benefit from thoughtful rule changes.
He said the DOL’s proposal is flexible and workable: “If we
were to impose our overarching fiduciary structure on the marketplace without
granting an exemption, a whole range of practices that right now are
commonplace would be prohibited. We don’t think that would work. We think that
has unintended consequences. So, we have revised our basic definition of who a
fiduciary is as well as exemptions to prohibitive transaction rules to enable
many of these common compensation streams to move forward in a way we think
honors the statute’s intents and mitigates conflicts of interest.”
NEXT: DOL says it is open to changes
Hauser said the DOL is receptive to the comment letters it
has received and will be holding a three- or four-day hearing the week of August
10. “Get your applications in if you want to testify,” he suggested, adding
that the hearing will be followed by an additional comment period.
Hauser also indicated that while the DOL firmly believes the fiduciary rule is
necessary, it is open to amending the rule further: “We have identified what we
believe are demonstrable injuries that flow from the current compensation
structure and the current way advice is delivered to retirement investors. We are committed to doing something to fix that problem, but we are not wedded
to any particular choice of words or regulatory text. We have gotten a lot of
helpful comments, and there will be changes.”
That said, Hauser added that the DOL believes the carve-outs
it created in the proposed fiduciary rule are helpful. “There is a carve-out
for sophisticated plan investors; large plan investors can readily proceed on a
non-fiduciary basis. The lengthiest portion of the rule describes what would be
non-fiduciary education and what would be fiduciary advice. There is a carve
out for platform providers that is particularly important in the small plan market, where the provider is really just marketing a platform of options and not
giving individual investment advice to the plan.”
DOL officials told the SEC they believe exemptions included in the latest version
of the fiduciary rule are equally helpful, particularly the best interest
contract exemption that permits broker/dealers to give advice that results in greater compensation—as long as the B/D formally commits via contract to act in the
customer’s best interest, Hauser said.
Hauser acknowledged that many of the comment letters DOL has
received are against the best interest contract exemption, and he vowed that the
Department is “completely open to suggestions” on this matter.
NEXT: A broker/dealer says the rule is
Jerome Lombard, president of the private client group at
Janney Montgomery Scott, also testified before the SEC. He said 80% of the firm’s net revenues
comes from individual investors, with one in three of their accounts being an
individual retirement account. The private client group offers clients the
choice of fee-based fiduciary relationships as governed by the ’40 Act or
brokerage relationships as governed by the ’34 Act. Sixty percent of the group’s
fees come from commissioned brokerage accounts, and 40% from fiduciary
accounts, Lombard said.
“Janney believes investors deserve to have their interests
placed first,” Lombard said. “We have been supportive of a higher standard of
care since 2009 when SIFMA provided the SEC a roadmap of a standard of care for
broker/dealers, an effort that Janney contributed to. However, my firm does not believe the
approach being taken by the Department of Labor of applying the ERISA standard
to the IRA and small retirement plan marketplace is the right approach to
achieving that higher standard of care for investors.
“Rather, we see the proposed rule as confusing, burdensome,
increasing costs to retirement investors, practically eliminating many of the
choices those investors enjoy today—and likely eliminating access to investment
advice and education for the smallest retirement savers,” Lombard continued. “It
will result in endless litigation, in our opinion, and even FINRA sees the rule
as difficult to navigate and enforce.”
In order to comply with the proposed rule, Janney would need
to move its numerous commission-based accounts to fee-based accounts in order
to avoid the need to qualify for a prohibited transaction exemption, Lombard
said. Or, it could attempt to use the best interest contract exemption in order to permit clients
in commission-based accounts to stay there, he said.
Janney has no intention of using the best interest contract exemption because
of its “onerous reporting requirements—on top of the many reports we already
provide clients,” he said. “The legal, compliance and surveillance costs would
increase dramatically and ultimately be passed on to clients. It would also
create new legal liabilities.”
If the DOL rule were to go into effect, Janney’s
only solution to provide advice to clients in its IRA accounts and small
retirement plans would be to act as a fee-based registered investment adviser—and
those fees are 50% higher than brokerage costs, Lombard said.
He concluded by saying that Janney Montgomery Scott favors SIFMA’s best
interest standard and hopes that the SEC moves forward on that front.
NEXT: A rebuttal from the CFP Board of
Marilyn Mohrman-Gillis, managing director of public policy
for the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Board of Standards, testified last,
challenging Lombard and other broker/dealers’ claims that they cannot operate
under a fiduciary standard.
She began by echoing the remarks by Roper and the DOL
officials that consumers are in desperate need for advice that is truly in
their best interest because they are “unable to distinguish between a fiduciary
adviser and a non-fiduciary adviser.” While there are many scrupulous advisers,
they are many who are not, she said. “We believe more than ever that consumers
need competent and ethical advice, and that’s why this rule is so important.”
Mohrman-Gillis said that those advisers and broker/dealers who fear that the
fiduciary standard of care will force them out of business are misinformed. The
CFP Board decided to adopt a fiduciary standard of care for its CFP professionals
in 2007, again, against a great deal of grumbling in the industry, she said.
“We heard many of the same arguments that are coming forward today in response
to the DOL rule, and I am here today to tell you that based on our experience,
the sky did not fall,” Mohrman-Gillis said. “In fact, since 2007, there has
been more than 30% growth in CFP professionals.”
In its comment letter to the DOL, she said, the CFP Board explains how the Business Model Council it established in 2007 was able to work
with CFP professionals to educate them on how they could apply the fiduciary
standard to their practice, regardless of whatever business model they operated
The DOL will see, she said, that the fiduciary standard of care did not force
CFP professionals to “abandon service to small saves, to the middle class.”
She concluded by saying that the CFP Board believes it bears
the responsibility to “help the Department of Labor get to a rule that is more
workable, that addresses some of the issues that are raised by the opposition, so that
the rule can actually work across business models.”
A video stream of the SEC Investor Advisory Committee hearing can be viewed here.