A lawsuit claims fiduciaries to Avon Products defined contribution plan violated their duties to participants by keeping company stock as an open plan investment.
Avon Products is facing an Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) lawsuit over its handling of the company stock fund investment option in its retirement plan for employees.
The lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York claims that when Avon became aware that its foreign subsidiaries had engaged in violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), it engaged in a cover up rather than make the investing public and participants in its retirement plan aware of the misconduct. The suit says the misinformation kept Avon’s stock trading at artificially high prices for years.
In October 2008, Avon disclosed that it was conducting an investigation into the possibility of misconduct in connection with its China operations. In October 2011, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced it initiated its own investigation into Avon’s alleged FCPA violations. According to the lawsuit, Avon’s stock price steadily declined during this period through the announcement of a joint settlement with the SEC and Department of Justice in May 2014—from $32.41 per share to $13.72 per share.
The lawsuit contends that, given their awareness of Avon’s misconduct, the plan fiduciaries should have implemented a freeze on purchases of shares in the Avon stock fund or communicated the truth about Avon’s misrepresentations. To ensure they did not run afoul of securities law prohibiting insider trading, the suit says, plan fiduciaries could have worked to make the company disclose the truth at the same time.
The lawsuit asks for a declaration that plan fiduciaries violated their ERISA duties to plan participants and an order that the defendants in the lawsuit restore participants’ accounts to what they would have been if plan fiduciaries had honored their obligations.
The suit was filed on behalf of all participants in the Avon plan who held shares of Avon stock between July 31, 2006, and May 1, 2014.
The complaint in Poovathur v. Avon Products Inc. et. al. is here.
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Firm culture, sound procedures for new product reviews and
for recommending rollovers are on FINRA’s to-do list for 2015.
Over the ten years FINRA has been issuing its annual letter,
big changes have taken place, according to the regulator. Analytics have
allowed FINRA to identify registered representatives with higher-risk profiles,
resulting in expedited regulatory responses. The regulator also more frequently
shares information with domestic and international securities and banking
regulators, in particular with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and
the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB).
In addition to several positive changes the regulator
observed—improvement of new products review; better management of conflicts of
interest; greater market transparency to retail investors—firms can find a
number of lessons instructive.
Challenges in several areas contribute to occasional
comprises in the quality of service that firms deliver to customers, and can contribute
to compliance and supervisory breakdowns. First, firms should align their interests
with those of its customers. Put customer interests first, the regulator
emphasizes. Failing to do so is a central failing FINRA has observed. The harm
this can cause can also be compounded when it involves vulnerable investors,
such as senior investors, or a major liquidity or wealth event in an investor’s
life: in other words, an inheritance or rollover of an individual retirement account
Poor advice and investments in these situations can have especially
devastating and lasting consequences for the investor. Irrespective of a firm’s
need to meet a suitability or fiduciary standard, FINRA believes that firms
best serve their customers—and reduce their regulatory risk—by putting
customers’ interests first.
Take a close look at the culture of the firm, FINRA advises.
The regulator says that many problems in financial services have roots in firm
culture. A poor culture may stem from management’s undue emphasis on short-term
profits or pursuit of rapid growth without a concurrent concern for controls,
for example.
Boards of directors and senior executives must outline and
adhere to high standards of ethical behavior that are expected and visible throughout
the organization and are embedded in the firm’s incentives. These standards should
come from the board and executives and not be viewed as a compliance task. The absence
of stated standards can contribute to failures at the individual broker level (for
example, disregard for customer needs in recommending securities) and can
likewise bring about problems with potentially market-wide implications (e.g.,
manipulation of indices or the manufacture and marketing of unsuitable
Zero Tolerance
Firms must protect their culture against individual bad
actors, as well as firm-wide behaviors that can gradually erode that culture.
Firm policies should signify that poor practices, whatever the magnitude of the
harm caused or potential implications, will not be tolerated.
FINRA also emphasized the need for a firm’s system of
supervision, risk management and controls as essential safeguards to protect
and reinforce a firm’s culture, and rigorous new-product reviews for product
and service offerings.
Conflicts of interest continue as a contributing factor in many
regulatory actions FINRA and other regulators have taken against firms and
individuals. The regulator said it is reviewing situations where market access
customers self-monitor and self-report suspicious trading despite an inherent conflict
of interest. And it continues to focus on fee and compensation structures that
lie at the heart of many conflicts and which can at times compromise the
objectivity registered representatives provide to customers.
Priorities for 2015 focus on key sales practice, financial
and operational and market integrity matters.
FINRA Will Be Watching
FINRA’s 2015 surveillance and examination activities that
include product-related risk reviews will routinely focus on due diligence, suitability,
disclosure, supervision and training. Product-focused concerns may include features
of the product itself as well as sales or distribution practices. Some products
are complex and may be subject to substantial market, credit, liquidity or operational
risks. As always, firms and registered representatives should be attentive to
changing circumstances—such as the precipitous fall in oil prices or the rapid
fall in some emerging and frontier market indices—that may affect suitability
decisions and risk descriptions. Training registered representatives about
product features, pricing and valuation, and providing guidance around suitability
are important steps in meeting these challenges.
IRA Rollovers
A major area of focus is firms’ controls around the handling
of IRA rollovers and other wealth events in investors’ lives. A broker’s
recommendations made in connection with a wealth event can have long-lasting consequences
for the customer. In 2015, examiners will focus on the controls firms have in
place related to wealth events, with an emphasis on firms’ compliance with
their supervisory, suitability and disclosure obligations. Firms’ systems
should be reasonably designed to help ensure that financial incentives to the associated
person or the firm do not compromise the objectivity of suitability reviews.
Part of FINRA’s focus will be IRAs, one of the principal vehicles
Americans use to save for retirement. According to the Investment Company
Institute, over one-quarter of Americans’ retirement savings are held in IRAs
and this percentage is growing. Rollovers from employer plans—such as 401(k)
plans—play an important role in funding these IRAs. FINRA has stated that,
whether in retail communications or an oral marketing campaign, it would be
false and misleading to imply that a retiree’s only choice, or only sound
choice, is to roll over plan assets to an IRA sponsored by the broker/dealer.
Any communications that
discuss IRA fees must be fair and balanced, and the broker/dealer may not claim
that its IRAs are “free” or carry “no fee” when the investor will incur costs
related to the account, account investments or both. If a broker/dealer does not
intend for its registered representatives to recommend securities transactions
as part of the IRA rollovers of their customers, then the broker/dealer should
have policies, procedures, controls and training reasonably designed to ensure
that no recommendation occurs. Similarly, if registered representatives are authorized
to provide educational information only, a firm’s written supervisory
procedures should be reasonably designed to ensure that recommendations are not
Without strong oversight, investors may not obtain the
information necessary to make an informed decision, and firms may fail to
detect recommendations otherwise prohibited by firm policy.
Rate-Sensitive Fixed-Income Securities
FINRA’s 2014 Regulatory and Examination Priorities letter
detailed concerns about the interest rate environment and the potential harm to
customers holding interest rate-sensitive products that could result from
shifts in that environment, and those concerns remain unchanged. FINRA also
recognizes, however, that fixed-income products play an important role in a
well-constructed portfolio.
What is critical is that firms’ communications discuss the
impact of interest rate changes on price when marketing products that are interest
rate-sensitive. In 2015, FINRA examiners will look for concentrated positions
in products that are highly sensitive to interest rates—such as long-duration,
fixed-income securities, high-yield bonds, mortgage-backed securities, or bond funds
composed of interest rate-sensitive securities—and test for suitability and
adequate disclosures. Examiners may also review firms’ efforts to educate
registered representatives and customers about such products.
Variable Annuities
Assessments of compensation structures concerning variable
annuities that might improperly be incentives to sell the products will be a
key area of FINRA’s focus. Also under scrutiny will be the suitability of
recommendations, statements made by registered representatives about these
products, and the adequacy of disclosures made about features of variable
FINRA’s Annual Regulatory and Examination Priorities Letter can
be downloaded from here.