Court Dismisses Verizon Pension Buyout Suit

A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit brought against telecommunications firm Verizon Communications Inc., which dealt with the transfer of pension obligations.

An opinion issued by Chief Judge Sidney A. Fitzwater of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division, cited multiple reasons for the dismissal including the plaintiffs’ failure to prove that Sections 102(b), 404(a) and 510, as well as Section 409(a), of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) were violated.

The case, Lee v. Verizon Communications Inc., et al., was a class-action lawsuit that arose from the decision of Verizon in October 2012 to purchase a single premium group annuity contract from a third party, The Prudential Insurance Company of America, to settle approximately $7.4 billion of the Verizon Management Pension Plan’s liabilities to certain plan beneficiaries. Under the terms of the transaction, Verizon amended the pension plan and transferred to Prudential the responsibility to provide pension benefits to approximately 41,000 retirees, who were then no longer considered plan participants. The plaintiffs took issue with this transaction and filed the aforementioned lawsuit against Verizon.

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With regard to ERISA Section 102(b), the plaintiffs alleged that Verizon did not disclose in the summary plan description (SPD) that it retained the right to “remove participants from the plan by transferring the pension obligations to an insurance company,” as well as that SPDs are required to contain information on circumstances that could result in a loss of benefits. The court said that Section 102(b) only requires “a description of existing plans terms, not a disclosure of future plan changes, such as the amendment…that directed the annuity purchase.” The court found that because the SPD did not lack “any description that it was required to include,” the plaintiffs did not prove a violation of Section 102(b).

With Section 404(a), the plaintiffs alleged that Verizon’s plan amendment and the resulting annuity transaction were fiduciary functions and that the company breached fiduciary duties by “avoiding ERISA rules that would have applied had the plan been terminated” and that “by removing the class members from the plan, they have lost the pension guarantee provided by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.” The plaintiffs further claimed that exchanging pension plan assets from an ongoing plan for a group annuity contract constitutes a fiduciary function. The court found that since amending a plan is not a fiduciary function and that Verizon was not acting in a fiduciary capacity when it amended the plan to direct the purchase of an annuity for participants meeting certain criteria, this section of ERISA has not been violated.

For Section 510, the plaintiffs alleged that “Verizon discriminated against members of the class…by removing them from the plan while other retirees were allowed to remain.” The court said that the plaintiffs “failed to show that Verizon had a specific intent to interfere with their rights under the plan and ERISA, or to rebut Verizon’s proffered legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for defining the group of retirees for the annuity contract as it did.”

The court added that Section 510 deals with "discrimination for the purpose of interfering with the attainment of a right" and that the plaintiffs were not found to have any authority supporting a right to continued participation in the plan. Citing these two points, the court found that Verizon had not violated Section 510.

As for alleged violations by Verizon of Section 409(a), the court found that the plaintiffs did not establish "a particularized, concrete, and actual or imminent injury…more than the mere loss of plan assets" and did not show an effect on the plan members' benefit payments. As such the court found that the plaintiffs insufficiently established any such "injury." While the plaintiffs claimed that "ERISA grants participants a legal right to have plan assets managed solely in their interest, and that breach of that fiduciary duty constitutes an injury," the court disagreed, citing the fact that the plaintiffs did not have constitutional standing to sue under Section 409(a).

While the case was dismissed, the opinion did not prohibit the plaintiffs from repleading their case in the future.

In March 2013, Fitzwater had certified that there was a class of plaintiffs for the case who had common issues of law and fact (see "Verizon Pension Suit Gets Class Action Status").

A copy of the recent opinion can be found here. The document detailing the lawsuit can be found here.

Low Interest Rates Affect Retirement Readiness

A new study by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) quantifies the impact of a sustained low-interest-rate environment on employees’ retirement readiness.

Using its Retirement Security Projection Model (RSPM), the EBRI found that more than a quarter of Baby Boomers and Gen Xers who would have had adequate retirement income under historical averages return assumptions end up running short of money in retirement if today’s low interest rates are assumed to be a permanent condition.

“There appears to be a very limited impact of a low-yield-rate environment on retirement income adequacy for those in the lowest pre-retirement income quartile, given the relatively small level of defined contribution and IRA assets and the relatively large contribution of Social Security benefits for this group,” said Jack VanDerhei, EBRI research director and author of the study. “However, there is a very significant impact for the top three income quartiles.”

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The impact of low interest rates is lessened if the rates are temporary, said VanDerhei. For example, when retirement readiness is based on the assumption that retirement income/wealth must cover 100% of expenses, then 36% of Gen Xers with no future years of defined contribution eligibility would be predicted to have adequate retirement income if the zero-real-bond-return assumption is expected to last only for the first five years after retirement, compared with 35% if that environment persists for a decade. In contrast, 33% of this group would be predicted to have sufficient money in retirement if the zero-real-bond-return scenario is assumed to be permanent.

VanDerhei said that the impact of low interest rates is magnified by years of future eligibility for participation in a defined contribution plan. Moving from the historical-return assumption to a zero-real-interest-rate assumption results in an 11 percentage-point decrease in simulated retirement readiness for Gen Xers who have one to nine years of future eligibility, but that gap widens to a 15 percentage-point decrease in retirement readiness for those with 10 or more years of future eligibility.

He added that for the younger Gen Xers, the decline in retirement adequacy would range from 4 percentage points under a five-year, low-yield-rate environment, to 7 percentage points if rates remain depressed for 10 years, and 11 percentage points if those low rates are permanent, assuming they have one to nine years of remaining eligibility in a defined contribution retirement plan (such as a 401(k)).

The full report can be found in the June 2013 EBRI Notes under the title “What a Sustained Low-yield Rate Environment Means for Retirement Income Adequacy: Results From the 2013 EBRI Retirement Security Projection Model,” which is available at EBRI is a nonpartisan, nonprofit research institute that focuses on health, savings, retirement, and economic security issues.
