Republicans In Congress Eye Retirement Account Tax Reforms

One retirement industry advocate says recent meetings on Capitol Hill have left him with the expectation that “we will start to see proposals soon that will have a number of provisions—good and bad—that alter the retirement system.”

Will Hansen, senior vice president of retirement policy for the ERISA Industry Committee, is among the long list of Washington policy watchers who have pretty much given up making strong predictions about what may unfold in Congress over the coming years.

Hansen agrees with many others who have suggested in conversation with PLANADVISER that today’s political environment is equal parts fascinating and frustrating—infused with just about as much uncertainty as at any time in recent memory. After all, who would ever have predicted that House Republicans, after successfully voting to overturn Obamacare literally dozens of times while the Democrats still held the White House, would in fact fail to do so once a president from their own party took the reins?  

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“Conventional political wisdom has all but broken down,” Hansen observes. “Unfortunately this is happening at a time when a big shift is going on in the way people work and in the way they save for retirement.”

Hansen participated in the 2016 PLANSPONSOR National Conference, where he gave a presentation with Tami Simon, of Buck Consultants, on the emerging “gig economy.” He agrees that this topic has actually moved to the backburner given more recent political developments.

“It may not be a hot topic of conversation for lawmakers, but the outlook for work and retirement is shifting in a broad way for Americans,” he continues. “Unfortunately it has really only been a quiet issue, when viewed from the legislative front. There is not enough conversation going on around the question, how do we alter our retirement policy to adapt to an independent contractor-dominated workforce? The natural legislative response should be moving towards open MEPs and that type of an approach, making it easier for those in this situation to be able to save. This has been pushed to the backburner at least in recent months.”

NEXT: Assessing the prospects for tax reform 

Hansen says his recent meetings on Capitol Hill have left him with the expectation that “we will start to see proposals soon that will have a number of provisions—good and bad—that alter the retirement system. Some of this may have to do with open MEPs, but really there is a lot on the table that is being considered.”

Of course, what gets proposed and what can get passed are two different matters—but more (and more aggressive) proposals will start to emerge imminently, Hansen expects.

“Based on the most recent health care debate, it is reasonable to predict that any major tax reforms will be very difficult to accomplish,” he says. “On health care there is a complicated market and ecosystem, but looking at tax reform, it’s all that much more complicated even than health care. There are that many more players in the room and a lot more to be considered even than in health care.”

Based on the climate and mood on the Hill, Hansen “does not believe major tax reforms can be completed if there is not some sort of massive change in the way that the administration and Republicans work with each other and across the aisle.”

Hansen further observes “it can be surprising to realize just how much diversity there actually is within both of our political parties.” Concerning the governing Republican majority, on the right there are groups like the Freedom Caucus, and on the other side are more moderate Republicans concerned about appearing too conservative in swing districts. “If Congress is going to get anything done it very well may have to be bipartisan.”

Hansen concludes it is “unfortunate there is little evidence that our political leaders are having an honest, well-thought-out discussion on retirement policy in general. It has been generations since this happened. There are certain members in the Senate who have put forth some proposals, thinking back to last fall, which we see as having good and bad implications for plan sponsors. Other than that, the conversations going on over on Capitol Hill do not really grasp the crucial importance of the ability of an individual to invest pre-tax for retirement.

“And so we have to work hard to prevent Congress from starting to think about these incentives as possible sources to make changes to pay for something else—which would be similar, frankly, to the way many of them seem to view the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation premiums. The thing is, not many people are retirement policy experts on Capitol Hill … so they would rather avoid it than tackle it.” 

Americans Without Advisers Are Far Less Prepared for Retirement

Most Americans have never hired a financial planner and most say they don’t have enough money or assets to warrant working with one.

Americans working with financial advisers seem more financially prepared and confident about facing complex investing topics than their counterparts managing finances on their own, according to the latest survey report from the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT).

The survey found that the majority (79%) of Americans have never hired a financial professional. Of these people, less than half, or 46%, have a retirement plan or emergency fund. Even fewer (19%) have a long-term financial plan. These stats, however, shift when considering those who have hired financial advisers. For this group, 77% have a retirement plan or emergency fund and 50% have a long-term financial plan.

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Not surprisingly, knowledge of complex financial terminology varied among both groups, although those working with financial advisers were in general more knowledgeable. Americans who have hired a financial professional report feeling more confident that they understand complex financial topics, such as “long-term care insurance” (41% are confident), “Roth IRA” (69%) and “annuities” (49%). Those stats dip for Americans who haven’t hired a financial planner. This group feels less confident about terms like “long-term care insurance” (31%), “Roth IRA” (42%) and “annuities” (28%).

“These results further emphasize the importance of planning for a healthy financial future,” says Mark J. Hanna, MDRT president. “Consider working with an adviser like hiring a professional builder to renovate your home. While you may be able to paint the walls on your own, your overall knowledge wouldn’t enable you to replace your pipes or build new cabinets in your kitchen.”

Still, roughly half of those without the help of financial advisers feel confident about basic financial terms such as “life insurance” (51%) and “401(k)” (52%). The survey found that about 77% of employed Americans say their company offers a 401(k) or pension program. However, 29% of those who could are not participating. That number climbs to 36% for workers ages 18 to 34.

When asked why they’ve never hired financial professionals, 44% said “I don’t have enough money or assets to need one.” According to the study, 28% of these respondents made at least $75,000 a year. Other reasons include, “I’m capable of managing my own finances” (38%), “It would cost too much money” (36%), “I don’t know what type of planner to hire” (14%), and “I don’t see the value in traditional financial planning” (10%).

“Working with a financial professional gives you a resource for deeper understanding of financial terminology and planning capabilities, ensuring you protect yourself and your family with a well-rounded plan,” Hanna concludes.

MDRT is an international network of insurance and investment financial services professionals. This survey was conducted online by Harris Poll among more than 2,000 American adults during February 2017. 

View MDRT’s full study results to learn why consumer confidence in financial planning is key
