Cyclical and Systemic Factors Drive 2016 Outlook

Research from MainStay Investments suggests the anticipated increase in U.S. interest rates, if kept to a modest 25 to 50 basis points during 2016, could create pricing imbalances in the equity markets and drive better opportunity for active managers.

Like many other investment providers, New York Life MainStay Investments publishes a yearly outlook to give investors an idea of what the firm is expecting for the next 12 months and beyond.

In this year’s update, MainStay researchers from across the firm’s independent boutique investing teams suggest global growth is likely to hold around 3% next year, providing opportunities for active management “in an environment where broad equity returns in the low- to mid-single digits appear likely.”

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The skills of an active manager may be very beneficial next year, MainStay predicts, as identifying fast-moving opportunities and being selective about risks will be key drivers of success in 2016. “Areas to monitor include energy and other commodity prices, central bank actions, and China’s efforts to reform/transition its economy,” the outlook report explains.

Pulling insights from the MainStay global equity team, the report argues Europe’s recovery continues to be spotty, “despite helpful downward moves in the euro and oil prices,” while China’s attempt to transition its economy “is experiencing challenges that raise concerns that bear watching.”

Thinking tactically, MainStay says this challenging macroeconomic backdrop and the unwinding of very easy U.S. monetary policy gives companies with strong returns and durable cash flows an even greater advantage.

NEXT: Comparing global markets 

Comparing different markets around the world, MainStay finds the U.S. equity market outlook appears relatively favorable, and “a scenario of 2% to 3% U.S. economic growth with interest-rate increases should favor equities over fixed income.”

“We expect stabilization or improvement in energy investment, capital goods orders, housing/home improvement, and consumer spending,” MainStay says. “We are also looking for signs of improvement outside the U.S. A widely held view at MainStay Investments and our independent boutiques is that a modest pickup in economic growth represents a reasonable base case scenario for 2016, with little threat of inflation or deflation being a clear and present danger.”

Another positive prediction is that commodity prices, which MainStay cites for much of the weakness in headline inflation in 2015, should exert less influence in 2016. “Crude oil prices are expected to be volatile and range-bound between $40 and $60 per barrel until late 2016,” the report explains. “At that time, we expect the modest decline in U.S. production to enable global demand to catch up with supply, potentially stabilizing energy markets.”

Beyond cyclical trends, MainStay suggests “demographics, debt burdens, and low productivity” have also contributed to lower global growth since the financial crisis.

“Companies that generate cash, but have fewer growth opportunities in which to invest profitably, will engage in acquisitions or return more cash to shareholders,” MainStay predicts. “A shareholder yield strategy composed of dividends, stock buybacks, and debt reduction can provide attractive returns in this environment.”

Compound Interest Can Save Millennial Retirements

Research from Prudential reminds young workers of the impressive power of compound interest in building retirement wealth—and that no risk means no reward. 

It’s a question many people ask themselves during a working career: What would it take for a middle class person to save a million dollars?

Prudential suggests one answer in a recently released whitepaper, “Why young investors should start saving early and invest in equities.” As the title indicates, the key for an average-wage earner to one day join the millionaires club is investing in a tax advantaged retirement plan early, consistently, and with a sufficient level of contributions and risk-taking.  

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It’s an increasingly relevant question, Prudential explains, because workers entering the labor force today should expect to need just about $1 million to fund their retirement years. Health care costs alone will approach $300,000 per couple, and that’s just at the median.

Prudential’s research finds Millennials, all in all, have made a decent start of saving for retirement. Just as many or more people in the generation are already saving than was the case with previous generations, for example. Less encouraging is that Millennials face a fundamentally different investing environment than their parents or grandparents, one characterized by weaker global growth and less opportunity to find dependable sources of investing income.

“Some young investors believe if they begin saving as much as they can they’ll have plenty of money when it comes time to retire,” Prudential continues. “That’s a good start, but many of today’s youngest investors are at risk of not having enough assets at retirement because they are not starting early enough or are too conservative with their investments.”

NEXT: Some aren’t planning to ever retire

Matching other industry research, Prudential finds there are many Millennials (about 40% of those in the work force) who either aren’t able to or choose not to save for retirement. The research points to student loans as one major hindrance across the generation, which has also been hit with reduced incomes due to lackluster employment and economic conditions post crisis.

Another issue is that many Millennials who have started saving “may not be making the most advantageous investment choices.” Prudential explains younger investors “might learn a thing or two from retirees who, not surprisingly, advise to start saving early and put away more. Nearly 20% of retirees surveyed also wished they had invested more aggressively.”

It’s also probably safe to assume Millennials have a skewed perception of risk based on the financial crisis of 2008, driving a lackluster understanding of the positive long-term track record of stock investments. The research points to a separate Accenture study which found that “43% of Millennial respondents described themselves as ‘conservative’ investors, compared with just 31% of Baby Boomer respondents.”

Prudential concludes that, if younger investors hope to reach their retirement savings goals, most of them “will have to begin tilting their portfolios more heavily toward equities. Millennials invested through their employer-sponsored retirement plans may be headed in the right direction. These investors have about 75% equity exposure in their workplace retirement plans, but some experts say this is still too low.”
