Complex Fixed-Income Picture May Hide ‘Upside Surprise’

Following the Federal Reserve’s decision this week to hold off at least a little longer on its next rate hike, one Prudential fixed-income leader anticipates a volatile but fundamentally strong time ahead for bonds. 

During a recent call with financial industry reporters, Robert Tipp, chief investment strategist and a manager on the Prudential Total Return Bond Fund, shared his outlook and Prudential Fixed Income’s current stance on the fixed-income markets, following the release of the firm’s wider 2016 market outlook.

While not unbridled in his optimism, Tipp is clearly enthusiastic about prospects for the bond markets in the coming months, especially for those investors who are selective about their risk-taking and identify with conviction where opportunity lies.

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“Admittedly this seems like perhaps an inauspicious time for a conversation about opportunity in the bond markets,” Tipp said in opening the call. “We are only one rate hike into the tightening cycle and the 10-year treasury note is right at 2%. However, as we all know, things in the investment world are not always what they appear to be on the surface.”

All things considered, from global equity market volatility to the wide moves in European and Asian economies towards more quantitative easing, Tipp says he strongly believes there is a lot of opportunity in the bond markets, “not just tactical but strategic too,” especially for long-term investors. When it comes to retirement plans and individual investors, Tipp suggested interest is blooming, and rightly so, in diversified/packaged approaches to higher quality fixed-income securities.

How could this outlook and enthusiasm coincide with what, by some measures, looks like a pretty weak outlook for bonds and fixed-income? Especially given the demographic trends of an aging global investing population that will dampen economic growth and put a lasting drag on rates? “It has to do with the outlook of the U.S. Federal Reserve, global government-driven interest rates and what may happen next with corporate spreads,” Tipp suggested.

NEXT: What the Fed is (really) saying

Looking to the Fed, Tipp believes the supervisory and regulatory agency has done a solid job, especially in recent weeks and months, of “threading the needle of optimism and caution.” Important to note from this week’s Federal Open Market Committee meeting, he said, is that “they removed the ‘confidence’ wording around inflation raising up to their longstanding 2% target in the near to mid-term future. I took this to be an attempt to indicate ‘patience’ about raising rates without wanting to dampen the underlying outlook for the economy itself.”

The committee also used language on “financial conditions tightening,” Tipp noted, “but in this case they were putting less emphasis on the downside risk to the economy. So, I feel that they came out of the meeting delaying the next rate hike but without damaging their perceived outlook on the economy. It was a successful move, I think, from that perspective.

“They clearly believe they should be hiking rates, but they also believe they don’t need to do it very quickly,” Tipp explained. “All previous cycles have seen one raise per meeting, pushing rates fairly quickly up beyond 1% or 2%, but that cycle has already been broken this time around. They’re going to be raising rates very slowly and methodically.” Asked by one reporter where U.S. rates my be by late 2016, Tipp predicted the Fed's target would at a maximum be 1% to 1.125%, “but it's likely to be even lower given the cautious messaging.” 

Tipp went on to describe this as a “shallow tightening cycle,”  driven more by the Fed’s precautionary and preemptive motivations rather than fear of any looming bubble crisis, a la 2008. “They want to move on rates early and very slowly so they don’t need to chase rates later and risk damaging economic performance through rapid rate hikes,” he said. “They’d much rather just have interest rates higher to begin with so they can cut should an unanticipated emergency emerge.”

NEXT: Global fixed-income trends are diverging  

The U.S. remains one of the strongest economies in the world right now, Tipp continued, “and we’re not really seeing strong signs of overheating, so that is meaningful.”

Looking internationally, especially to Asian markets and the Eurozone, there is essentially the opposite trend happening.

Looking to the main markets, Japan for example, they are below 1% on 20-year central government debt,” Tipp says, predicting rates will actually fall further, potentially bringing tactical opportunities. “They need to improve the structural side in Japan, which they are doing, but they also needed lower interest rates to stimulate growth.

Even more important than more easing in Japan, the Eurozone is the other big elephant in terms of driving overall economic conditions,” Tipp explained. “In Europe, people are essentially paying for the storage of their money in fixed-income right now, effectively, due to record low interest rates and even negative rates in some regions. But their next move, if you can believe it, is more ease, lower rates and more bond purchases.”

Start reading between the lines here and one can see that the Eurozone and most Asian economies are a long way away from a rate hike cycle, Tipp concluded. “It’s going to take them a long time to taper and to pave the way to go from negative interest rates to positive rates. They won’t remain rock bottom through 2016, but they are likely to stay below 1% for a considerable time.”

Closing the call, Tipp said Prudential Fixed Income is confident that in 2016, “fixed income is really going to surprise. We have had a pattern where we have a bad year for bonds followed by a good year for bonds for some time now. Last year, I would argue, was the bad year, and now we’re moving into what should be a better performing period.”

Defaulted Retirement Plan Investors Still Need Coaching

Target-date funds and other QDIAs are often thought of as set-it and forget-it investments, but new data from J.P. Morgan Asset Management highlights the need for ongoing guidance and education among DC plan participants.

J.P. Morgan Asset Management has updated its “Ready! Fire! Aim?” research series for 2016, examining how the relationship between target-date fund (TDF) glide paths and participant behaviors shapes long-term defined contribution (DC) portfolio outcomes.

Talking through the research results with PLANADVISER, Dan Oldroyd, portfolio manager and head of J.P. Morgan’s target-date strategies, notes that participant behavior in the last few years was “much more varied and volatile than many target-date fund providers have assumed in their asset allocation models.” Examples of “varied and volatile” behaviors include things like over-active trading during periods of market stress or buying into a TDF with an inappropriate retirement date, Oldroyd explains. Other participants have reduced their contributions, have taken loans or have been opted into plans for the first time at a grossly insufficient salary deferral level.

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“The prevalence of such behaviors led us to consider potentially significant ramifications for whether participants were likely to meet their retirement funding needs,” Oldroyd explains. He adds that he is personally excited about this third update to the research series, “which now provides more than 10 years of data examining how participant behavior, such as the size and timing of portfolio cash flows, interacts with the size and timing of market returns.”

Oldroyd says the data clearly shows salary levels and raises are crucial behavioral inputs for predicting TDF investor success, “because income levels influence contribution amounts, as well as the standard of living that needs to be replaced in retirement.” Not surprising, those TDF investors receiving regular raises and with higher salaries to begin with are having greater success getting retirement ready via the investment markets. Unfortunately, Oldroyd notes, the latest data shows that “average raise frequency has declined to pre-crisis levels because … earlier increases were mainly caused by an apparent salary catch-up from the post-crisis slowdown.”

In other words, people aren’t getting raises quite as often these days compared with the last decade, requiring portfolio managers to reassess their glide path structures due to lower anticipated future contributions. Additionally, average raise size declined somewhat in the last 12 months as well, Oldroyd notes, but the average raise still remained slightly above inflation

“This is good thing, but it’s a relatively low bar given persistently low inflation,” he says.

NEXT: Headwinds and hurdles, with some optimism  

Tied to the slowing raises, J.P. Morgan finds the average starting contribution rate to target-date funds and other retirement plan investments continues to fall, “with subsequent average increases rising much more slowly.”

The lesson for plan sponsors and advisers in all this, Oldroyd says, is that simply getting someone into a TDF or another style of professionally managed investment is not enough to drive retirement readiness, or even rational investment behavior. “The only way participants can be certain to achieve adequate income in retirement is to save enough during their working years and to stick to a well-crafted investing plan,” Oldroyd says. “Disappointingly, average starting contributions remain at the lowest point since we began our research, and rise much more slowly than in the earlier studies.”

The J.P. Morgan Asset Management data also shows large number of participants continue to take sizable account loans, further dragging down retirement readiness. In fact, the percentage of participants tapping into retirement accounts pre-retirement has risen to the highest level since the “Ready! Fire! Aim?” series began tracking participant behavior, Oldroyd observes. “One positive note is that the average percentage borrowed has modestly fallen,” he adds, “likely due to generally higher account balances after years of rising markets.”

Looking across the retirement planning landscape, the report concludes “a sizable portion of participant assets that could be invested are not actually invested in any given year,” largely due to poor participant decisionmaking. For example, many participants stop making contributions while repaying loans, Oldroyd says, and just as damaging, “pre-retirement leakage remains unpredictable,” with participants across demographic groups and income levels seemingly all more likely to take pre-retirement loans.

“The good news is that there appear to be fewer hardship withdrawals as the economy continues to stabilize, but there are also more loans and pre-retirement withdrawals, which could jeopardize long-term savings,” Oldroyd says. “Indeed, the percentage of working participants over age 59½ taking a portion of their account balance and the average percentage withdrawn have both risen to the highest levels in the past 14 years.”

Looking at the back-end of the savings effort, J.P. Morgan finds most participants withdraw their entire account balances once they stop working, usually in a single withdrawal. The majority of participants, nearly 70%, are leaving their plans soon after retirement. “However, in this latest study, the team observed that the percentage of participants staying in their plans almost doubled,” Oldroyd says, “from 17% post-2008 to 32% in recent years.”

The full research results are reported here
