Being a Millennial Financial Adviser

If a client at age 65 is hesitant to work with an adviser who is much younger than they are, what’s going to happen in 10 years? Or 20 years?

PLANADVISER and Hartford Funds sat down to discuss some upcoming “roundtable research” the investment services firm is putting together, looking specifically at the experiences and expectations of Millennials working in the financial advisory field.

Hartford Funds plans to publish a white paper on the topic soon, but in the meantime, the firm’s director of strategic markets, Bill McManus, highlighted some of the preliminary findings.  

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“Our interest in this topic really goes back to our relationship with the MIT Age Lab,” McManus tells PLANADVISER. “We have noticed they have focused in some important ways on the Baby Boomer demographic, yet what we’re finding is that a lot of their research really ends up touching directly on Millennials, and the other generations as well. The generations all influence one another, particularly when we think about the upcoming transfer of wealth from Boomers to Millennials.”

Against this backdrop there is a slowly growing cohort of Millennials who are themselves stepping into the advisory industry—particularly among the older slices of the generation, roughly ages 25 to 35. McManus explains that Hartford Funds recently brought together a group of stand-out young advisers, asking them a wide variety of questions about how they got into the industry and what their aspirations are.

“One message we heard loud and clear: The barriers to entry have shifted and in many cases have gotten more difficult, so it’s not exactly an easy business to get into at the beginning,” McManus says. “Those who are working in the industry are concentrated in firms that recognize that they need to add younger talent and are putting in good processes to make that happen.”

Not a big surprise, Hartford Funds found Millennials feel one of the most important ways firms can ensure recruiting success among this age cohort is to adopt a team approach, at least at the beginning.

“Millennial advisers told us they see a lot of benefits from mentoring and working alongside an experienced adviser as they start to build their own book of business. It benefits both older and younger advisers, we believe,” McManus adds. “Older clients wouldn’t necessarily want to work with someone in their 20s and 30s, but with the team approach it works better and really makes that transition easier.”

NEXT: Winning clients and building business as a Millennial adviser 

Also not a big surprise, Millennial advisers cited the preconceptions of older advisory clients as one of their top hurdles to building sustainable and successful books of business. Many of the older Americans who have substantial personal assets simply do not want to work with an adviser who may be multiple decades younger than they are.

“This is a very commonly cited hurdle to successfully growing business,” McManus explains, “but while it is common it’s not necessarily the rule. Many older Americans are also perfectly willing to do this, especially when it starts with a team approach where an older, trusted adviser is involved in a transition period. Millennials can benefit from the backing of a trusted mentor, and from the halo benefits of a advisory firm brand.”  

One of the most effective arguments is also the most logical, Millennial advisers say. If a client at age 65 is hesitant to work with an adviser who is much younger than they are, what’s going to happen to that client in 10 years? Or 20 years? What if the individual lives to be 90? Will they demand an 85-year old adviser?

“And if you think about the reverse argument, it makes a whole lot of sense,” McManus adds. “If a 65-year-old takes on an adviser who is in their 30s, say, that will leave decades of time for the relationship to grow and develop. I can tell you from sitting down with our roundtable of advisers that these Millennial advisers already have what it takes to drive great retirement outcomes. They also have a lot of empathy and personal experience with their own parents and grandparents they can rely on when building out these relationships. Personal stories go a long way.”

Of course, Millennials advisers also have turned their attention to prospecting and securing clients their own age, both for the wealth they have now and the wealth they will earn and inherit in the future.

“This effort relies a lot on robo-advice technology for efficiency and scalability, Millennial advisers tell us,” McManus concludes. “But what is perhaps most interesting is that, even among the youngest generation of advisers working right now, the importance of personal relationships was constantly cited. Millennial advisers expect this to remain a relationship-driven industry, even as technology plays a bigger role as well.”  

Lower-Cost Funds Have Greater Chance of Surviving

That’s also an indication that they outperformed their category group.

Mornginstar took a look at the survival rates of funds at various fee levels and found that the lower-cost funds had a higher rate of surviving—another indication that these funds outperformed their peers.

“While we think it makes sense to consider a variety of factors when choosing funds, our research continues to find that fund fees are a strong and dependable predictor of future success,” says Russel Kinnel, chair of Morningstar’s North America ratings committee. “We found that the cheapest funds were at least two to three times more likely to succeed than the priciest funds. Strikingly, our finding held across virtually every asset class and time period we examined, which clearly indicates that investors should keep cost in mind no matter what type of fund they are considering.”

Between 2010 and 2015, the cheapest quintile of U.S. equity funds had a success rate of 62%, compared to 48% for the second-cheapest quintile, 39% for the middle quintile, 30% for the second-priciest quintile and 20% for the priciest quintile.

For the cheapest quintile of international equity funds, 51% had a success rate compared with 21% for the priciest. Balanced funds had a 54% success rate for the cheapest quintile compared with 24% for the priciest. Taxable bond funds had a 59% success rate for the cheapest quintile compared to 17% for the priciest, and muni bonds had a 56% success rate for the cheapest quintile compared to 16% for the priciest.

Morningstar’s full report, “Predictive Power of Fees,” can be downloaded here.

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