Top Hat Retirement Plan ‘Traps for the Unwary’

“Top hat” retirement plans aren’t subject to many ERISA requirements, but the unique treatment of the plans under employee benefit and tax law can lead to plan sponsor confusion and costly mistakes.

Top hat plans—or non-qualified retirement plans offered primarily to executives—escape most requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), notes James E. Earle, partner at K&L Gates.

There are no funding, minimum participation, minimum vesting or ERISA fiduciary duty requirements. However, top hat plans are subject to ERISA claims procedures and reporting and disclosure requirements, Earle warns.

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At the 44th Annual Retirement & Benefits Management Seminar, hosted by the Darla Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina, and co-sponsored by PLANSPONSOR, Earle shared some “traps for the unwary” that top hat retirement plan sponsors need to avoid.

For example, the failure to collect FICA (Social Security/Medicare taxes) at the time deferred compensation is first credited, accrued or vested could result in higher FICA taxes for participants at the time of payment. Earle pointed to a recent court decision in Davidson v. Henkel Corp. in which a federal district court found that, rather than properly withholding nonqualified retirement plan participants’ Federal Income Contributions Act (FICA) taxes as required by the plan, Henkel Corp. caused participants to pay these taxes at the time of each benefit payment, effectively reducing their anticipated retirement benefits.

Offering a deferred compensation plan to a broader group of employees than a “top hat” group can also result in trouble for plan sponsors, including ERISA failures, potential lawsuits and very bad tax results if sponsors are required to fund the plan.

According to Earle, the federal courts do not all agree, but a common analysis applies a mix of quantitative and qualitative factors to determine a “top hat” group, broken into four categories:

  • Percentage of work force eligible to participate – no more than 15% of the work force should be eligible to participate;
  • Nature of plan members’ employment duties – all members should be either part of management or highly compensated; some courts have permitted a few members outside of these categories; most courts have rejected the requirement that members have power to negotiate their own terms and conditions of employment;
  • Compensation of plan members’ versus all other employees – the average compensation of participants in the top hat plan should be at least double that of the average compensation for all employees;
  • Definition of eligible group in plan terms. 

Plan sponsors should also remember to make a Department of Labor (DOL) top hat filing when a deferred compensation or other nonqualified plan is adopted. Penalties for failure to file Form 5500s can be significant, Earle warned. There is a self-correction program available, however, at a limited cost.

Plan sponsors should also watch out for “traps for the unwary” as top hat retirement plans relate to other executive or general employee benefits. Earle noted that an executive employee agreement with a severance provision that says the executive will be entitled to all benefits she was entitled to before the severance is unworkable. Letting a terminated employee continue to participate in a retirement plan violates plan terms and employers could potentially face a lawsuit for violating the terms of the agreement, he said.

Susan G. Odom, Esq., member at Nexsen Pruet LLC, noted that sometimes nonqualified plans run in tandem with qualified plans and there are rules for how they interact. Plan sponsors need to know how their qualified plan defines compensation and whether payments to nonqualified plans are included in the definition.

In addition, according to Odom, some sponsors may want to encourage executives to not defer into their qualified plan in order to pass nondiscrimination testing by contributing a certain percentage into the nonqualified plan if they do not. She warned seminar attendees that this is in violation of ERISA’s contingent benefit rule.

Helping Participants Plan Their Distributions

Employees receive education about saving for retirement from their employers, but something rarely discussed is how to make that savings last.

Retirement plan sponsors should be thinking about the education gap for retirement plan participants, noted Jeffrey R. Capwell, partner at McGuire Woods LLP.

The gap occurs because most participants have some level of access to savings and investment-related education through their employer-sponsored retirement plans. Once the time comes to take distributions from their plans, however, they no longer have access to the same level of information and typically have to pay for any information they get, Capwell explained to attendees of the 44th Annual Retirement & Benefits Management Seminar, hosted by the Darla Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina, and co-sponsored by PLANSPONSOR.

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Should plan sponsors provide access to information after someone has left employment or should they decide they have no more obligation once an employee is gone? According to Capwell, plan sponsors should think about what is appropriate for them from a business perspective. It may not be the right answer for everyone.

“But if not from plan sponsors, where will participants get the information from?” he queried. “I think there’s a place for employers in the process to provide some very helpful information about distribution and ultimate drawdown of balances. I think we might see some market changes in that regard.”

One consideration for plan sponsors, according to Phyllis E. Klein, senior director of the Consulting Research Group at CAPTRUST Financial Advisors, is whether they want the balances of terminated participants to remain in the plan. It may boost the plan’s asset level and ability to negotiate to get lower administration and investment fees, she noted.

Plan sponsors should also consider whether they are comfortable communicating choices to participants or whether they want someone to do that for them, Klein said.

Capwell warned that plan sponsors must do due diligence on the contracted provider of education or advice, and make sure they know what advice is being given. If something goes wrong, it could come back on plan sponsors as fiduciaries. “You have to be careful the service does not in any way offer a way for an adviser to make money by selling a product or recommending certain investment vehicles,” he said.

Klein pointed out that many plans offer only lump-sum distributions to retiring or terminating participants. “You can’t talk about lifetime income without providing options,” she told seminar attendees. Plan sponsors should consider amending their plans to allow for installments, systematic payments or periodic distributions. “If you only allow lump sums, you’re casting participants into the IRA [individual retirement account] world no matter the cost. If you offer more options, you can at least help them bridge their way into retirement income,” she said.

Holly Harn, senior director of Human Resources at Savannah College of Art and Design, shared her experience as a plan sponsor. Realizing that the type of questions retiring plan participants were asking were those the college shouldn’t answer because the staff are not investment professionals, it hired CAPTRUST in 2010 to educate employees. The college and CAPTRUST offered one-on-one sessions for participants. “CAPTRUST is an independent firm, so they are not selling any product, but looking out for employees’ best interests,” Harn noted.

The college also provides impact statements or gap analyses to participants. “We don’t do it every year because we don’t want employees to get so used to seeing it that they ignore it,” Harn said. The tools tell participants whether they are on target to replace an appropriate amount of income in retirement or not, and include a check box to schedule a one-on-one advice session.

These efforts not only help participants, but also protect plan sponsors from participants who claim they weren’t prepared, Harn said.
