TIAA-CREF Wins State of Iowa Business

TIAA-CREF was selected, along with four other providers, for the Iowa Department of Administrative Services Statewide 457(b) and 401(a) Plans.

According to the company, there are 24,000 eligible employees for the two plans.

In addition, TIAA-CREF has been retained as a provider under the Iowa Statewide 403(b) Plan (with 80,000 eligible employees) for which it has been a provider since late 2008. Assets under all three plans are in excess of $500 million, the company said.

Most Baby Boomers Not Planning Roth Conversion

A survey commissioned by financial services company USAA found that most Baby Boomers plan to keep their traditional individual retirement accounts (IRAs) intact.

The majority (73%) of surveyed Baby Boomers who own an IRA don’t plan to convert their traditional IRA to a Roth IRA in 2010, which is when the household limit of $100,000 in modified adjusted gross income is scheduled to be lifted. Any investor who converts in 2010 can pay the tax bill over a two-year period, according to USAA.

For respondents who own an IRA and have a household income of $100,000 or more, only 9% are planning to convert in 2010. More than half (57%) are not aware that income limits on Roth IRA conversions are scheduled to be eliminated next year. Two-thirds (62%) are not aware that the converted funds are subject to tax.

“There may never be a better time than in 2010 to create a tax-free income stream for retirement,” said Terri Kallsen, senior vice president, USAA Wealth Management. Kallsen said that the combination of lower account values, historically low income-tax rates, conversion income limits lifting, and the ability to pay the tax bill over two years provides a rare opportunity to increase retirement income.

Some respondents are leaning more toward Roth conversion than others. Investors with both a traditional and Roth IRA are three times more likely (15% versus 5%) to plan on converting than those who own a traditional IRA only.
Younger Boomers (ages 45 to 54) are more likely than older Boomers (aged 55 to 64) to say they plan to convert their traditional IRA to a Roth IRA next year (11% versus 5%), according to the survey. However, older Boomers are more aware of the income limit changes than younger Boomers (41% versus 26%).

USAA said most (67%) IRA owners surveyed aren’t aware that any taxes would be due on converted funds. Of the one-third (33%) who are aware taxes would be due, one in 10 (11%) didn’t realize they would have the ability to spread the tax bill over two years.

Opinion Research Corporation conducted the telephone survey in late June and July among a national sample of 1,259 adults between 45 and 64 years of age, of which 599 own a traditional or Roth IRA.
