Source: “The Impact of Expert Guidance on Participant Savings and Investment Behaviors,” Working Paper Blanchett (David Blanchett, August 2014):
Morningstar® Retirement ManagerSM, an advice and managed account program, is offered by Morningstar Investment Management LLC and is intended for citizens or legal residents of the United States or its territories. The investment advice delivered through Morningstar Retirement Manager is provided by Morningstar Investment
Management LLC, a registered investment adviser and subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. The Morningstar name and logo are registered marks of Morningstar, Inc. This figure represents the potential wealth increase an average 25-year-old could have at retirement when using an online managed account or advice service versus an average 25-year-old who did not use an online managed account or advice service. The analysis is based on 58,444 participants who used the Morningstar Retirement Manager service, either for managed accounts or
advice, between the dates of January 2006 and February 2014. As of February 2017, Morningstar Investment Management LLC affirms the original findings of this source are still valid. Participants are grouped by the age when they first implemented or received advice from Morningstar Retirement Manager and are assumed to have an initial retirement account value of $0 and a retirement age of 65. The results showed that the average participant who first used Morningstar Retirement Manager as a 25-year-old with a 0.4% annual fee may potentially realize 38.9% more retirement income at retirement than an average 25-year-old
participant who did not use Morningstar Retirement Manager. Similarly, the average 45-year-old using Morningstar Retirement Manager with a 0.4% annual fee could have 23.3% more and the average 55-year-old could have 13.8% more retirement income at retirement. The amount of additional retirement income attributed to the use of Morningstar Retirement Manager at retirement varied by age and tended to decrease with the age the participant
first used the Morningstar Retirement Manager service. Additionally, the potential amount of additional retirement income increased as the management fee decreased; conversely, decreased as the management fee increased. The average difference in the saving rate before and after using Morningstar Retirement Manager was calculated
for each age group. The savings rate was applied to an assumed median income value for each age group. In a similar manner, the average difference in portfolio investment return before and after using Morningstar Retirement Manager was calculated for each age group. Six different annual fee levels (0.0%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8%, and 1.0%) for the Morningstar Retirement Manager advice service were analyzed, and the fee was applied to the
average portfolio balance for each age group on an annual basis. The final account value for each age group at retirement age was then compared for each annual fee level. This analysis does not account for all portfolio costs such as fees, taxes, or expenses other than the annual account fee. If included, they would lower the potential
amount of additional retirement income at retirement shown in this analysis. In no way should the results of this analysis be considered indicative or a guarantee of the future performance of an actual client using Morningstar Retirement Manager or considered indicative of the actual performance achieved by actual participants that have used Morningstar Retirement Manager. Actual results of participants that use Morningstar Retirement Manager
may differ substantially from the results shown here and may include an individual participant incurring a loss. Morningstar Investment Management LLC does not guarantee that the results of their advice, recommendations, or the objectives of Morningstar Retirement Manager will be achieved.