Vanguard says that meeting these income needs, along with encouraging strong savings rates and diversification, are the primary drivers in creating successful retirement outcomes.
ANNUA Direct Quote is a tool for retirement plan sponsors, participants and advisers to obtain current market pricing for guaranteed lifetime income at retirement.
Pacific Life's Retirement Income Translator also creates a two-minute personalized video that aims to illustrate the potential benefits of protected lifetime retirement income through an annuity.
Bradford P. Campbell, with Drinker Biddle, recently discussed specific requirements for open MEPs, now called pooled employer plans (PEPs), included in the SECURE Act.
Jason Shapiro notes that some DC plan participants may stay in their plan after retirement and rely on TDFs’ asset allocation for retirement income for possibly 30 years...
To guarantee or not to guarantee? For some of the leading recordkeepers and investment managers, that’s not a question they necessarily want to answer.
Willis Towers Watson’s Thinking Ahead Institute says defined contribution plan designs and communications will leverage technology to deliver a far more customized experience for participants.