A new survey asking respondents to choose a movie title that best describes their near-term financial future revealed more positive outlooks than negative.
New research sponsored by AUL Retirement Services finds 403(b) plan sponsors are confident they understand their responsibilities and are not worried about IRS audits.
Charles C. Cornelio, who most recently served as chief administrative officer of Lincoln Financial, has been named president of Lincoln’s Defined Contribution business, effective immediately.
Some 47% of polled Gen Y employees with an employer-sponsored retirement savings program said retirement savings has to take a back seat to funding everyday costs, such as...
The California Institute of Technology has chosen TIAA-CREF to be the single administrative services provider for the Caltech Retirement Program, beginning January 1.
Alabama is switching to a new 457 deferred compensation plan provider amid concerns about the previous provider and its relationship with the Alabama State Employees Association (ASEA).
RiversEdge Advanced Retirement Solutions, an independent provider of defined contribution recordkeeping, consulting, and administrative services, has begun operations in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
John Hancock Retirement Plan Services (RPS) has launched an enhanced Web site for financial representatives to help them support clients and grow their business.
OppenheimerFunds Retirement Services announced business-building tools for advisers, as well as new tools for plan sponsors to communicate about target-date funds and increase participation rates.
PLANSPONSOR's annual survey of defined contribution plans and ratings of providers finds, among other things, wide use of financial advisers, but also finds that the smaller your plan,...
Transamerica Retirement Services has introduced a new mutual fund platform for retirement plans that includes target-maturity funds from three fund families, and has no proprietary fund requirements.
Pat Bello, formerly head of Mid Market Sales and Business Development for ING U.S. Retirement Services, has been selected to lead the northeast sales region for ING's Intermediary...
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