Tag: Plan providers

Plan Design, Meet Big Data

A new tool from J.P. Morgan Retirement Plan Services gives sponsors and advisers a data-driven view of participant behavior that can help improve plan design and communications.

The Next "Best Thing" in Plan Offerings?

Over the past couple of weeks, two retirement industry providers have introduced offerings they purport to be the next trend in the evolution of retirement plan offerings.

SPARK Asks for Flexibility on Fee Disclosures

The SPARK Institute Inc., a lobbying group for retirement plan service providers, is hoping to secure more flexibility from federal regulators regarding certain investment-related disclosure requirements.

Prudential Adds DST Clearing Service

Financial services and asset management firm DST reached an agreement to bring its retirement income clearing calculator (RICC) services to Prudential Retirement clients.

Lincoln Trust Rolls Out Model(k)

Lincoln Trust has introduced a low-cost retirement plan solution, Model(k), providing fiduciary risk management for broker/dealers serving the small and midsize 401(k) market.