Tag: Plan design

Defined Contribution in Transition

As defined contribution (DC) plans have much more inherent risk than defined benefit plans, participants, sponsors, and advisers need to take a more hands-on and active approach to...

TD Ameritrade Creates New Platform for UMAs

The Unified Managed Account Exchange, UMAX, will provide independent registered investment advisers (RIAs) with more flexibility and allow them to expand investment options for clients.
cover story

Behavior Modification

Behavioral finance applies to employers, too. Four decisions they have trouble making, and how you can help.

IMHO: Why Bother?

Here’s a question to ask your plan sponsor clients: “Why do you offer a 401(k) plan?”
servicing strategies

The Big Picture

Getting participants to swallow a more holistic approach to planning requires employers, employees, and advisers to get it together—and get in touch with reality