Tag: Plan design

A New Look at Old Beta

A strategy that is more than 50 years old, smart beta is receiving new attention as investors seek alternatives to passive, index-based asset management.

GAO Seeks Clarity on Electronic Disclosure Rules

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) asked the U.S. Treasury and Department of Labor (DOL) to revise electronic disclosure rules governing employee-sponsored retirement plans to improve clarity and protect...

Small-Cap Growth Funds Ready for Rebound

Small-cap growth funds represent a potentially effective way for those with retirement saving shortfalls and concerns about improving portfolio growth to provide additional stock and sector diversification while...

Small Plans Can Have Big Gaps

Small companies (10 - 499 employees) face retirement plan coverage and participation, as well as employee retirement readiness, challenges, a report suggests.
sales champ

Thinking Small

Working effectively with plans with less than $5 million in assets


Articles that appeared in the Trendspotting section of the magazine.