Tag: Performance

Not Surprised Doesn’t Mean Prepared

Since the Department of Labor (DOL) proposed including lifetime income illustrations on retirement plan participant statements, no doubt most in the industry have assumed the information would come...

Portfolio Shifts Continue After Banner Year

A strong recovery in asset values and pension funding levels hasn’t slowed the pace of change in institutional investment portfolio strategies, according to an analysis from Greenwich Associates.

DC Plans Ended 2013 Strong

Defined contribution (DC) plans outperformed defined benefit plans significantly during the fourth quarter of 2013 and during the whole year, according to a recent analysis.

Corporate Pensions Saw Favorable February

The latest release of the Milliman Pension Funding Index, which tracks performance at the largest U.S. private pension plans, shows February brought moderate funded status improvements despite falling...

Time to Consider a Collective Trust?

One retirement plan service provider says collective investment trusts (CITs) can be a powerful answer to demand for customized target-date vehicles and less expensive investment strategies.

Envestnet Releases Liquid Alt. Portfolios

The portfolio consulting group of Envestnet Inc. launched a new multi-manager portfolio series called the Liquid Endowment Portfolios, designed to address rising correlations across asset classes.