Tag: Managed Accounts & QDIAs

American Reliance Will Offer FundQuest Technology

American Reliance Group, Inc., (ARG), a financial advisory firm headquartered in Spokane, Washington, has selected FundQuest to provide outsourced technology, back-office, and investment research services.  

IMHO: “Talent” Ed

As a kid, I remember sitting in church listening to a sermon about what I have since come to know as the “parable of the talents,”...

Pershing Adds to SMA Offering for RIAs

Pershing said it expanded its suite of managed account solutions to provide advisers with access to a diverse list of money managers and a broad spectrum of managed...

DTCC Improves Access to Managed Account Services

The Depository Trust&Clearing Corporation (DTCC) introduced MAS Portal, a new Web-based interface to its Managed Accounts Service (MAS) that will enable immediate connectivity for investment managers who oversee...

QDIA Essentials

Choosing among target-date funds, balanced funds, and managed accounts
micro scope

Small World

Data show micro plans are not simply miniature replicas of the larger-plan space

The More Things Change

As fond as I am of the phrase "the more things change, the more they stay the same," I sometimes question its applicability to the retirement plan space.

Through the Looking Glass

As 2009 rolled in, I think there were hopes that the financial services world would say goodbye to the problems of 2008.

Measuring the Unmeasurable

Nobody has figured out yet how best to benchmark managed accounts. How can you help clients in the meantime?

Note Worthy

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