More than one-third (37%) of adults would like a professional to help them manage retirement accounts but do not think they have sufficient investments.
The aggregate deficit in pension plans sponsored by S&P 1500 companies decreased $38 billion during September, to $593 billion, according to figures from Mercer.
John Thompson, Jr. joined the institutional advisory solutions division of Hewitt EnnisKnupp, an Aon PLC company, as partner and head of investment solutions.
Advisers can help clients by understanding how their emotions influence investment choices, according to panelists at an American Beacon Advisors event.
Quantifying key retirement risks is the first step advisers can take to help their plan sponsors address them with participants, according to a report.
More than two-thirds of the very rich, with a net worth of at least $25 million, are actively involved in the day-to-day management of their investments.
Affluent consumer confidence rose in a recent survey by Phoenix Marketing International, which showed an uptick in those saying that economic conditions have improved.
Nontraditional investment opportunities are attracting more investors looking to protect wealth, achieve returns and generate income, according to a recent poll.
Retirement Benefit Solutions LLC offers a defined benefit (DB) pension funding methodology to assist pensions through the creation of a new life insurance asset class.
Mary Schapiro, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), said Wednesday the commission called off a vote to reform the structure of money market funds.
Participants who choose their own investment options are generally exposed to greater risk than target-date fund (TDF) investors, according to research from Principal Financial Group.
A true understanding of longevity risk is the needed catalyst for U.S. corporate pension plans to more actively adopt de-risking strategies, according to Prudential.