Tag: Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
fiduciary fitness
The IRS Responds to Sponsors’ Cries
Suspension or reduction of nonelective contributions under safe harbor 401(k) plans
fiduciary fitness
Calling It Quits
The rules surrounding plan partial terminations after workforce reduction
beyond (k)
The Same, but Different
Although new rules may make 403(b)s more similar to 401(k)s, they are very much their own plans
regulatory radar
2009 ERISA Compliance Calendar for DB/DC/403(b) Plans
Every retirement plan adviser knows that the year is full of various compliance deadlines imposed on these programs by the Department of Labor (DoL), Internal Revenue Service (IRS),...
IRS Issues Final 409A Relief Procedures
Almost one year to the day after Internal Revenue Service (IRS) officials first proposed a series of procedures for correcting income inclusion issues with additional taxes under Section...
Qualifying Information
IRS publishes additional 409A reporting, withholding instructions