Jay Clayton’s stint at the helm of the Securities and Exchange Commission included oversight of the Regulation Best Interest finalization and implementation process, among other important projects.
Staff members of the Securities and Exchange Commission share some words of wisdom for advisers and broker/dealers newly subject to the Regulation Best Interest framework.
One critical component of the Regulation Best Interest is the customer relationship summary form, or “Form CRS,” which provides new and existing clients with detailed information about a...
The SEC tackles this question and others in a new FAQ publication about the Regulation Best Interest rulemaking package, as does Morningstar in a new paper that examines...
Under the SEC’s final regulations, Form CRS requires less prescribed wording relative to the proposed version, meaning firms may generally use their own wording to address required topics...
Experts say the new SEC rules could allow brokers to encroach into the traditional territory of advisers without having to meet the same fiduciary standard of care.
The committee says the SEC should explicitly explain that Regulation Best Interest is a fiduciary duty shared equally by advisers and broker/dealer to act in their customers’ best...