Tag: Fixed income

A Warm Reception for Alternatives

Investment consultants polled for an annual PIMCO survey voiced near-unanimous support for the use of alternative investments, especially in custom target-date and target-risk strategies.

Is LDI Feasible for DC Participants?

Defined contribution (DC) plans are increasingly adopting practices similar to defined benefit (DB) plans to improve participant outcomes, including automatic enrollment and “do-it-for-me” investments.

Plan Assets Moving Away from Fixed Income

Defined contribution (DC) plan participants reduced their holdings in fixed income and increased allocations to U.S. small-cap and mid-cap equities in 2013, while target-date funds continued to increase...

Reducing Volatility in DC Plan Lineups

It sounds like the ever-elusive free lunch—an investment strategy that reduces the potential for major losses while still pursuing the market’s strongest opportunities for growth.

Can You Really Set it and Forget It?

In the two decades since target-date funds (TDFs) first entered plan investment menus, they’ve gained a reputation as a set-it-and-forget-it strategy that many experts oppose.

DC Plans Ended 2013 Strong

Defined contribution (DC) plans outperformed defined benefit plans significantly during the fourth quarter of 2013 and during the whole year, according to a recent analysis.

For IRAs, It’s All About the Rollover

A new analysis from the Investment Company Institute (ICI) shows a vast majority of traditional individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are opened with rollovers from employer-sponsored retirement plans.

Envestnet Releases Liquid Alt. Portfolios

The portfolio consulting group of Envestnet Inc. launched a new multi-manager portfolio series called the Liquid Endowment Portfolios, designed to address rising correlations across asset classes.

Institutions Seek Fixed-Income ETFs

Changes in bond market conditions and institutional portfolio strategies are driving the largest U.S. investors to add more exchange-traded funds (ETFs)—especially those built on fixed-income investments.