Tag: Fees

PANC 2014: Plan Fee Challenges

Fees assessed in a retirement plan can have many different shapes and sizes, pointed out Vincent Morris, president of Bukaty companies and moderator of a PANC 2014 panel...

DALBAR Gives AXIS Platform Seal of Approval

DALBAR Inc., which provides evaluation and accreditation of retirement plan service providers, has rendered a positive opinion on the methodologies used by the AXIS Retirement Analytics Platform.

Making Sure Plan Fees Are Reasonable

When it comes to retirement plan fees, recent regulatory changes and litigation have highlighted the importance of plan sponsors and fiduciaries ensuring that such fees are reasonable.

Unbundled TDFs Attract Sponsor Attention

Retirement plan advisers can deliver significant value by helping sponsor clients address the shortcomings of prepackaged TDF solutions, says Tara Mashack-Behney of Conrad Siegel Investment Advisors.