Law Firm Investigating IBM 401(k) Plan

Zamansky LLC has commenced an investigation of International Business Machine Inc.’s (IBM) 401(k) Plus Plan for possible violations of the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).

ESOP Bill Introduced in U.S. House

U.S. Representatives Dave Reichert (R-Washington) and Ron Kind (D-Wisconsin) introduced a bill to encourage the creation of S Corporation Employee Stock Ownership Plans (S ESOPs).
Art by Adam McCauley
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Leading the Charge

2015 PLANADVISER Adviser Value Survey - The Influence of Advisers on Retirement Plans

Sanofi Potentially Faces Stock Drop Suit

Multinational pharmaceutical company Sanofi is being investigated for possible ERISA violations after continuing to offer company stock as a retirement plan investment option, despite alleged knowledge that it...