DoL Broadens Fiduciary Net

For the first time in a generation, the Labor Department has taken another crack at the definition of a fiduciary under the Employee Retirement Income...

DC to DB Transfer Elimination Upheld

A federal appellate court has agreed with a lower court judge that an employer was allowed to drop an option allowing participants to move defined contribution plan assets...

DoL Urges Unisys Fee Case Reversal

A federal judge in Pennsylvania made a mistake when he threw out a 401(k) excessive fee case against Unisys Corporation and Fidelity Management Trust Company, the Department of...

State Street Stock Drop Suit Gets Tossed

A federal judge in Michigan has thrown out a fiduciary breach lawsuit against State Street Bank and Trust filed by General Motors 401(k) participants over company stock-related losses.
regulatory radar

Taking Aim

New ERISA 408(b)(2) rules take a new look at adviser fees, but how that examination will affect you depends on what kind of adviser you are

Decisions, Decisions

How did you decide whether to affiliate with a wirehouse, or independent or regional broker/dealer?