On average, just 0.01% of balances were traded daily in December, which is in line with the monthly average for the past year, according to Alight Solutions.
Among the takeaways one investment expert has from the year is that structural forces have a large influence on interest rates and may keep them relatively low despite...
They see plenty of growth potential in a market they say is driven and distorted by fiscal and monetary policies—a situation which could spell trouble for unprepared individual...
Despite substantial market volatility, third-quarter trading volumes in self-directed brokerage accounts brokered by Charles Schwab were similar to those seen a year ago.
Historically, investors tended to consider ESG factors either to increase risk-adjusted returns (doing well) or to achieve sustainable outcomes (doing good). A new analysis suggests there is no...
As some investment analysts argue inflation has peaked, and that it should soon return to an average annual rate in line with recent history, others are focused on...
Results of a new analysis published by Dimensional Fund Advisors suggest that embracing higher equity exposures prior to and during retirement is an inadequate tool to manage longevity...
Millions of jobs have returned as the country has reopened, thanks to the positive impact of the COVID-19 vaccination program, but as the U.S. enters the second half...
Sources say 2021 was already coming together as a year of very strong economic growth, and with the passage of an additional $1.9 trillion in fiscal stimulus support,...
Comparing asset managers’ five-year capital market assumptions published in late 2019 and early 2020 with the newly updated versions being circulated today is an eye-opening exercise that underscores...