Tag: Equities

Mirae Provides Emerging Market Education

Mirae Asset Global Investments, an investment services provider specializing in emerging market equities, launched an enhanced website focusing on financial adviser support and education.

Retirement Savings Stuck in Neutral

More Americans realize they aren’t on track to meet retirement income needs, according to Northwestern Mutual, but the country as a whole is struggling to address longevity risk.

GMO Says Focus on Wealth, Less on Risk

Sure it's good to achieve a “comfortable” retirement, but one investment manager says many retirement plan participants are struggling to achieve even basic levels of retirement income adequacy.

Corporate Pension Funds Far Healthier

Strong global equity market performance and higher liability discount rates worked wonders on the funded status of S&P 500 Index companies during 2013, says Wilshire Consulting.

Plan Assets Moving Away from Fixed Income

Defined contribution (DC) plan participants reduced their holdings in fixed income and increased allocations to U.S. small-cap and mid-cap equities in 2013, while target-date funds continued to increase...

Reducing Volatility in DC Plan Lineups

It sounds like the ever-elusive free lunch—an investment strategy that reduces the potential for major losses while still pursuing the market’s strongest opportunities for growth.

DC Plans Ended 2013 Strong

Defined contribution (DC) plans outperformed defined benefit plans significantly during the fourth quarter of 2013 and during the whole year, according to a recent analysis.