EBSA Recovered More Than $1B in 2009

The U. S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) reported recovering $1.36 billion in 2009 for employee benefits plans governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security...


Articles that appeared in the Trendspotting section of the magazine.

IMHO: Safety "Knot?"

Two weeks ago, the Department of Labor and the U.S. Treasury turned to the retirement plan community for some input. 

DoL Releases Form 5500 Info on Benefit Plans

The U.S. Department of Labor's Employee Benefits Security Administration has released to the public online datasets of Form 5500 annual report/returns for approximately 800,000 retirement, health, and other...

White House Unveils Retirement Initiatives

The Obama Administration on Monday released retirement initiatives, including establishing automatic individual retirement accounts (IRAs), simplifying and expanding the Saver's Credit, and updating 401(k) regulations to increase transparency.

EBSA to Host Webcast about Form 5500

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) will host a free Webcast about Form 5500 and electronic filing requirements on January 21 at 1 p.m.

EFAST2 Ready for Online Form 5500 Filings

Plan sponsors can now take full advantage of a new federal government system for online filing of the required annual report to the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA)...

EBSA: Fee Disclosure Regs Coming

The head of the Department of Labor's Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) said today that the agency plans to release its long-awaited regulation dealing with providers’ fee disclosure...

DoL Set to Issue Annuity Project RFI

In implementing its newly announced initiative to see how it can best facilitate the use of lifetime income investment vehicles in retirement plans, the U.S. Department of Labor...

EBSA to Unveil Regulatory Agenda

The head of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) will host a live public Web chat to discuss its regulatory agenda.