Tag: Defined contribution

SSgA Offers Crash Course in ETFs

A new education program from State Street Global Advisers (SSgA) offers financial professionals nearly 30 short courses on how to incorporate exchange-traded funds (ETFs) into investment portfolios.

J.P. Morgan Revamps Engagement Program

With the second release of its Audience of One program, J.P. Morgan Retirement Plan Services hopes to deepen engagement with participants through tailored messaging and robust data technology...

404(c) in the Modern World

Current regulations and the current plan administration landscape make it more likely plan sponsors are complying with Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) Section 404(c).

Time to Consider a Collective Trust?

One retirement plan service provider says collective investment trusts (CITs) can be a powerful answer to demand for customized target-date vehicles and less expensive investment strategies.

Retirement Specialists Outperform Peers

Retirement specialist advisers are more successful than other consulting segments at earning high client satisfaction ratings and increasing key retirement readiness metrics, new research shows.

Collective Investment Trust Takes TDF Approach

Investment services provider American Century Investments launched a collective investment trust (CIT) designed for defined contribution (DC) participants that incorporates the firm’s One Choice Target Date Portfolios.