Cash balance plans are growing in popularity and could overtake 401(k) retirement plans within the next few years, according to research from Sage Advisory Services.
Penbridge Advisors retained the services of an independent consultant to support delivery of the company’s pension risk transfer (PRT) education workshops.
Separated defined benefit (DB) plan participants have been on the rise since 2004—a sweet spot for advisers targeting lump-sum distributions, research found.
Defined benefit (DB) plan sponsors have new guidance concerning new disclosure requirements mandated by the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21).
Witnesses testifying before a senate committee shared the initiatives that are working and need to continue or grow to help workers save for retirement.
Bank of America has won a lawsuit alleging it violated the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) by investing retirement plan assets in bank-affiliated funds.