Tag: Defined benefit

The Next Great DB Risk: Complacency

What a difference a year makes—strong investment performance and a modest rise in interest rates during 2013 caused a steep increase in the funded status of the typical...

Institutions Like Smart Beta

New analysis from State Street Global Advisors (SSgA) shows smart beta strategies, designed to take advantage of both active and passive investing principals, are gaining popularity.

Corporate Pensions Fall in January

The funded status of U.S. corporate pension plans fell 4.2% during January to reach 91%, according to the BNY Mellon Investment Strategy & Solutions Group (ISSG).

PBGC Revives Partition Authority

For the third time in its history, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) is using its authority to partition an insolvent employer’s participants from a multiemployer plan to...

Premium Hikes Shake Up Buyout Landscape

A 16% increase in 2014 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) premiums pushed Mercer’s Pension Buyout Index into positive territory, meaning it could be cheaper for many employers to...

More Pensions Move to De-Risk

In an effort to decrease pension risk exposure and insulate their plans from fluctuating economic conditions, more defined benefit (DB) plan sponsors are realigning plan assets to better...

PBGC Proposes Relaxed Reporting

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) proposed amendments to its multiemployer regulations to make the provision of information to PBGC officials and plan participants less burdensome.

Participants Must Prove Harm to Sue

A federal district court has ruled that in a case involving allegations of harm to retirement benefits, plaintiffs lack standing to sue if they cannot substantiate the allegations.

NTSAA Changes Name

The National Tax-deferred Savings Association (NTSA) maintains the same core mission as its predecessor.