PLANADVISER Adviser Value Survey

The 2024 PLANADVISER Adviser Value Survey is a reminder that rigorous plan governance and fiduciary guidance is a benefit of working with retirement plan experts.

Plan Design

Survey Data: Plan Design

Plan Design

Automatic Enrollment Offered
With adviserWithout adviser
Automatic Escalation–or Automatic Deferral Increases–Offered
With adviserWithout adviser
Yes - participants are defaulted into auto-escalation at time of enrollment23.4%13.9%
Yes - participation is voluntary and participants must opt in to auto-escalation17.7%15.9%
No - plan does not offer auto-escalation to participants52.1%63.6%
‘True-Up’ Provision Offered*
With adviserWithout adviser
Options Offered to Help Participants Create or Manage Retirement Income
With adviserWithout adviser
Systematic withdrawal plan (SWP)44.3%36.8%
IN-PLAN insurance-based products that guarantee income (i.e., annuities, GMIBs, GMWBs, etc.)5.7%8.7%
IN-PLAN managed account service (i.e.,  Financial Engines Income+, Morningstar's Income Secure, etc.)28.4%19.2%
IN-PLAN managed payout fund(s) designed to generate steady cash flow, but which lacks a guarantee 7.9%1.0%
OUT-OF-PLAN annuity purchase or bidding service (i.e., Hueler, etc.)4.0%3.9%
NONE - do not offer any income-oriented products48.2%56.3%

*A true-up match can be used to restore matching contributions “lost” when an employee reaches the annual contribution limit prior to year-end and thus foregoes the opportunity to make additional contributions that would have otherwise been matched. In such situations, a plan may elect to “true-up” the employer matching contribution.