RESEARCH | September 27, 2017 2017 PLANSONSOR Target-Date Fund Buyer’s Guide Our guide to the size, scope and design of target-date options Reported by PLANADVISER | Art by JooHee Yoon TDF Providers Navigation StoryIndustry DataTop 5 Vs. Remaining Target-Date Mutual Fund Market ShareTarget-Date Fund Organic Growth By ObjectiveTop 10 Target-Date Managers By AssetsTarget-Date Fund Organic Growth By Objective – Ytd Through June 2017TDF ProvidersCustom TDF ProvidersMethodology Select a year 2017 PURCHASE REPRINTWANT MORE INFO? TDF Providers List of ProvidersAllianceBernstein Multi-Manager Retirement TrustsAllianceBernstein Multi-Manager Select Retirement TrustsAllianz Global Investors AllianzGI Dynamic Retirement SeriesAllianz Global Investors AllianzGI Retirement SeriesAmerican Century One Choice Target Date PortfoliosAmerican Century Retirement Date TrustAmerican Funds American Funds Target Date Retirement SeriesBlackRock LifePath DynamicBlackRock LifePath IndexBlackRock LifePath Smart BetaBMO Target Retirement FundsCallan Callan GlidePath® FundsDimensional Fund Advisors Dimensional Target Date Retirement Income FundsFidelity FIAM Index Target DateFidelity FIAM Target DateFidelity Fidelity Advisor Freedom FundsFidelity Fidelity Freedom FundsFidelity Fidelity Freedon Index FundsFidelity VIP Freedom FundsGoldman Sachs Goldman Sachs Target Date PortfoliosGreat-West Investments Great-West Lifetime Conservative FundsGreat-West Investments Great-West Lifetime Conservative TrustsGreat-West Investments Great-West Lifetime FundsGreat-West Investments Great-West Lifetime Index TrustsGreat-West Investments Great-West Lifetime TrustsGreat-West Investments Great-West SecureFoundation Lifetime FundsInvesco Invesco Balanced -Risk Retirement FundsJohn Hancock Investments John Hancock Multi-Index Lifetime PortfoliosJohn Hancock Investments John Hancock Multi-Index Preservation PortfoliosJohn Hancock InvestmentsJP Morgan JP Morgan SmartRetirement Blend Mutual FundsJP Morgan JPMCB SmartRetirement Commingled FundsJP Morgan JPMCB SmartRetirement DRE Commingled FundsJP Morgan JPMorgan SmartRetirement Mutual FundsJP Morgan JPMCB SmartRetirement Passive Blend Commingled FundsMassMutual Retire SMARTMFS Funds MFS Lifetime FundsMorningstar Morningstar Lifetime Index Conservative FundsMorningstar Morningstar Lifetime Index Growth FundsMorningstar Morningstar Lifetime Index Moderate FundsNationwide Nationwide Target DestinationNorthern Trust Focus Funds Nuveen TIAA-CREF Lifecycle FundsNuveen TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index FundsPIMCO PIMCO RealPath BlendPrincipal Principal LIfeTime FundsPrincipal Principal LIfeTime Hybrid CITsPrincipal Principal LifeTime Hybrid FundsPrudential Day One Funds CITsPrudential Day One Funds Mutual FundsPrudential Day One IncomeFlex Separate AccountsPrudential Day One Separate AccountsPutnam Putnam RetirementReady FundsPutnam Putnam Retirement Advantage FundsRussell Investment Management LifePoints Institutional Target Date Strategy FundsSchwab Schwab Index Retirement Trust Funds (SIRT Funds)Schwab Schwab Managed Retirement Trust Funds (SMRT Funds)Schwab Schwab Target FundsSchwab Schwab Target Index FundsState Street Global State Street Target Retirement Funds (CITs)State Street Global State Street Target Retirement Funds (MFs)Transamerica ClearTrack® Target Date FundsT. Rowe Price Retirement FundsT. Rowe Price Retirement I FundsT. Rowe Price Retirement TrustsT. Rowe Price Target Funds Target FundsUSAA USAA Target Retirement FundsVanguard Group Target Retirement FundsVanguard Group Target Retirement TrustsVoya Investments Voya Index Solution PortfoliosVoya Investments Voya Solution PortfoliosVoya Investments Voya Target Retirement FundsVoya Investments Voya Target Solution TrustsWells Fargo Wells Fargo Dynamic Target Date FundsWells Fargo Wells Fargo Target Date Collective FundsWells Fargo Wells Fargo Target Date Funds