PLANSONSOR Target-Date Fund Buyer’s Guide

Our guide to the size, scope and design of target-date

Industry Data

Industry Data

Target-Date Fund Organic Growth By Objective – Ytd Through June 2017

Target-Date Fund Organic Growth by Objective - YTD through June 2017
Objective Total Assets $B
June 2017
% of Total Assets Net New Flows ($B)
Trailing 12 Months –
June 2017
Organic Growth (%)
Trailing 12 Months –
June 2017
Targt-Date-In-Rtrmt $31.1 3.2 % $0.4 1.5%
Target-Date 2000-10 $29.7 3.0 % -$2.5 -8.3%
Target-Date 2011-15 $56.5 5.7 % -$3.2 -5.5%
Target-Date 2016-20 $152.7 15.5 % $2.8 2.0%
Target-Date 2021-25 $149.1 15.1 % $12.1 9.9%
Target-Date 2026-30 $163.5 16.6 % $10.8 8.1%
Target-Date 2031-35 $119.0 12.1 % $11.1 11.9%
Target-Date 2036-40 $120.2 12.2 % $8.7 9.2%
Target-Date 2041-45 $76.4 7.8 % $9.4 16.6%
Target-Date 2046-50 $60.0 6.1 % $8.0 18.2%
Target-Date 2050+ $26.3 2.7 % $7.8 51.1%
Total $984.5 100.0% $65.3 8.1%