PLANADVISER Recordkeeper Services Guide

Retirement plan advisers may often find themselves in the role of matchmaker: working with a defined contribution (DC) client to determine which investments and platforms or providers are the best fit. To be in a top position to guide the client, an adviser must keep abreast of the provider community, so as to stay current on what products and services are available to suit each client’s needs.

Industry Snapshot

Industry Snapshot

Share of Total Defined Contribution Market by Total Recordkeeping Assets

Share of Total Defined Contribution Market by Total Recordkeeping Assets
Top 5 providers 53.3% 34.8% 44.9%
Top 10 providers 73.1% 59.3% 66.0%
Top 20 providers 93.2% 88.6% 88.9%
Non-top 20 providers 6.8% 11.4% 11.1%
Footnote: ~ Where necessary, industry data is extrapolated to account for gaps in reporting.