Still Hope for In-Plan Lifetime Income Options

Hueler Income Solutions offers DC plan participants an out-of-plan lifetime income solution, but the Hueler Companies CEO says providers are making progress on being able to offer in-plan solutions.

Kelli Hueler, president and CEO, Hueler Companies, says the number one reason defined contribution (DC) retirement plan sponsors should make lifetime income solutions available to plan participants is that they are facing one of most difficult financial decisions they will have in their lifetime: how to pay themselves without running out of resources in retirement.

“Longevity is a gift, but an expensive gift,” she explains. “A huge number of employees do not know how to move forward. By giving them access to a competitive, objective, low-cost platform, plan sponsors are giving them an education tool and access to the market they cannot get anywhere else—they can purchase an option for as low as $10,000.

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Plan sponsors are hesitant to offer income solution within their plans because of concerns about fiduciary responsibility and portability issues, Hueler tells PLANADVISER. In addition, when Hueler entered the market in 2004, most plans had stopped offering participants the option of taking their distributions in the form of annuities. When plan sponsors looked at their plan data, they saw participants were not selecting this option. Probably, Hueler says, because participants did not want to lock up all their money—their only choice was to take an annuity or take a lump sum.

“So, we responded to what the market was telling us. We had to come up with an out-of-plan option for participants to set up lifetime income and it had to be voluntary, because fiduciary responsibility guidance at the time did not provide much comfort to plan sponsors,” she notes. “Participants want lifetime income, but not in the form provided before—partial annuitization is more practical.”

Hueler’s Income Solutions platform offers participants who are allowed early, in-service distributions from their DC plans to purchase annuities with a portion of their DC plan account balance. Participants can purchase income starting at age 65 or, with the recently added qualified longevity annuity contract (QLAC) option, they can purchase income starting at age 85.

But, Hueler says she sees programs evolving in which younger participants can sign up for an income option and accumulate assets inside their DC plans to buy lifetime income in the future. She anticipates accumulation programs will start to become more readily available and will become a more natural part of the plan participation process.

“[The industry] has to figure out a way to offer lifetime income through DC plans because employers are such an important outlet for information and education to employees, and plan participants need an institutionally priced alternative for lifetime income,” Hueler says.

Hueler is one of the founding board members of the Defined Contribution Institutional Investment Association (DCIIA) and is active on its Lifetime Income Committee. She says there are a lot of different views from committee members, but one consistent theme is that there is no one best way to solve for DC plan participants’ income needs. “Plan sponsors need to know there is not one best solution and should look at multiple alternatives to build a suite of services and capabilities for different demographic groups in their plans,” she contends.

Though there is no one best way to address the lifetime income issue, there are some fundamental principles the committee believes should guide solutions— they should be institutionally priced, efficient and easy, and there should be an opportunity for annuitization to become part of the natural default process, just like investment options are. “This is influencing product design, and how policymakers and everyone else are thinking about lifetime income,” Hueler says. “We see a lot of smart, dedicated folks working on new products for each demographic group.”

Advisers Boost Boomer Retirement Confidence

Baby Boomers who work with advisers are better prepared for retirement, a survey finds.

More than 90% of Boomers who work with advisers have money saved for retirement, and more than eight in 10 feel they are better prepared for retirement because they work with a financial professional, according to a report, “Boomer Expectations for Retirement 2015,” from the Insured Retirement Institute (IRI).

“I think it’s important to consider that Boomers who work with advisers are better prepared,” said Cathy Weatherford, president and CEO of IRI, during a kickoff call for National Retirement Planning Week. “Professional financial help can add tremendous value around preparedness, confidence and anticipation of cognitive problems.”

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Overall economic satisfaction among Baby Boomers dropped precipitously in 2015, to 48% from 65% in 2014 and from 76% in 2011, and the percentage of Boomers feeling extremely or very confident they will have enough money to last throughout retirement has declined significantly, to 27% of Boomers in 2015 from almost four in 10 in 2011.

However, 44% believe their financial situation in five years will be somewhat or greatly improved. “Baby Boomers are more optimistic about the future, in part due to market gains in the past couple of years, but also partly because more Boomers remain in the work force still, shoring up savings,” said Weatherford.

Only six in 10 Boomers report having money saved for retirement, down sharply from prior years when approximately eight in 10 had retirement savings. Only 28% of Boomers are extremely or very confident they will have enough money to pay their medical expenses in retirement, down from 37% in 2011, and only one in five are extremely or very confident they will have enough money to pay for long-term care in retirement, down from about one-quarter in prior study years.

More than one-third of working Boomers (36%) plan to retire at age 70 or later, significantly higher than the one in five (19%) that planned to retire at or after age 70 in 2011. One in five Boomers (18%) are uncertain when they might retire, and three-quarters of them cite not having saved enough or being unsure they will have enough to retire on as the reason for their uncertainty, compared with almost four  in 10 (39%) that were unsure of their retirement age in 2011.

According to the survey, annuity ownership is highly correlated with retirement planning, retirement readiness and positive retirement expectations. More than nine in 10 Boomers who own annuities have money saved for retirement; less than half of Boomers who do not own annuities have retirement savings.

Eight in 10 Boomers who own annuities expect their money to last throughout retirement, and to have at least some disposable income for travel and leisure, compared with less than half of those who do not own annuities. More than six in 10 have calculated the amount they think they will need to have saved to retire, versus less than one-third of non-annuity-owners.

More than six in 10 annuity-owner Baby Boomers have consulted a financial adviser to help them prepare for retirement; fewer than two in 10 non-annuity-owners have taken this step.

According to Weatherford, the goals of National Retirement Planning Week goal are to make Americans aware of the need to plan for retirement, to encourage those who have planned to review and update their plans, to urge Americans to take a long term view of saving and investing, and to distribute information to help them make good, informed decisions.

Weatherford added that during National Retirement Planning Week, Tuesday is designated as Social Security Day and Thursday as Health Care in Retirement Day. Materials for consumers and financial professionals can be found on
