Software Partnership Streamlines Distribution Process

Clients of both companies will be able to utilize the new efficiencies at no additional cost. 

PenChecks Trust and PensionPro have teamed up to build a software integration that will streamline processes for clients of the two companies and to automate the distribution workflow process managed by Pension Pro.

With this integration, the distribution process becomes simplified, as PensionPro clients are now able to begin distributions in PensionPro and automatically send material to PenChecks Trust—without having to rekey data. Additionally, the process will automate involuntary distributions to Automatic Rollover individual retirement accounts (IRAs), originally used for past missing or non-responsive plan participants.  

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Clients of both companies will also be able to utilize this process at no extra cost.

“Managing retirement plan distributions is a complex and time-consuming process,” says Peter Preovolos, president and CEO of PenChecks Trust. “When making thousands of distributions, as many TPAs [third-party administrators] and recordkeepers do, realizing automated efficiencies can result in significant savings of time and administrative costs. Whether it’s through the continued development of our own P3 platform or by partnering with industry leaders such as PensionPro, we remain committed to providing our clients the latest retirement plan technologies in order to streamline processes and lower administrative costs.”

More information on the integration can be found here

Retire Ready Now Creates Personalized Participant Reports for Advisers

All retirement plan advisers need to do is provide plan census data.

Retire Ready Solutions is now creating personalized participant reports for advisers. Making the service available to current customers of its The Retirement Analysis Kit (TRAK) and other services as well as to those who are not customers, Retire Ready says it produces the reports from plan census data, which the adviser must provide. Retire Ready can return the reports to advisers either electronically or via mail, or send them directly to participants.

The reports show the participant his current contributions and retirement projection, giving him actionable suggestions on how much to increase his contribution and how that increase will affect his take-home pay today.

“Advisers have found these reports to be instrumental in motivating participants” at enrollment and education meetings, says Edward Dressel, president of Retire Ready Solutions. “Many advisers see deferrals increase two to three times, as well as discover additional unmanaged assets that are rolled into the plan.”

Advisers interested in more information about this new service may visit:
