Securian Financial Group Launches Financial Wellness 360

The new financial wellness program is designed to inspire, educate and encourage employees to make lasting financial behavior changes.

Now available to all current and prospective Securian group insurance employer customers, the new Financial Wellness 360 program is comprised of three underlying solutions aimed at improving employees’ ability to manage money, both today and into the future.

First, the program delivers SmartDollar, a well-known online program that takes a holistic approach to financial wellness. As Securian puts it, SmartDollar “acts as an online personal financial coach.” The program helps navigate “seven baby steps for greater financial security.”  

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The Financial Wellness 360 program next features Advisor Connection, a program that offers “convenient worksite seminars allowing employees to learn about financial principles that are relevant to them, including personal finance and retirement strategies.” The in-person experience allows employees to learn directly from program-certified, registered financial advisers. A built-in “takeaway tool” for each participating employee outlines key concepts with an invitation to schedule a “complimentary, no obligation consultation” with the adviser.

The final part of the Finanical Wellness 360 program is Lifestyle Benefits, a suite of self-service resources that help employees “address today’s financial challenges and prepare for tomorrow.” Available online and by phone 24/7, employees can access planning tools as they are needed. Services include confidential financial counseling and support; financial assessments; articles and tips; objective beneficiary financial counseling; will preparation guidance; and legal and grief counselling to help with the impacts of significant life events.

“Financial stress distracts employees and can hurt an organization’s bottom line by lowering productivity, increasing turnover and harming workers’ health,” warns Elias Vogen, Securian’s director of group insurance client relationships. “By implementing Financial Wellness 360, employers can enhance their benefit packages, provide employees with strategies for long-term financial success and potentially even reduce health care costs.”

More information about Securian Financial Group is available here.
