Search results for: bca
403(b) Relief Is Good News for Plan Sponsors
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently cleared up some confusion about its relief of the written plan document requirement for 403(b) plans.
EBSA Announces Online 5500 Walk-Through
Plan sponsors will get a walk-through of the 2009 Form 5500 reports and a new electronic filing Web site from a scheduled February 19 Webinar from the Department...
SPDR University Hosts Webcast about Retaining Clients
SPDR University, State Street's educational resource for investment professionals, introduced an on-demand Webcast to help financial advisers retain client relationships during uncertain times.
Pershing Launches Program to Help Wirehouse Advisers Transition
Pershing LLC, a subsidiary of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, launched Advisor in Transition, a practice management program.
Guiding Participants through Ups and Downs
Just telling participants to “stay the course″ might not be enough.
Congress Considers Market Impact on Retirement Security
While participants (and their plan sponsors and advisers) nervously contemplated the impact of the market tumult on their retirement savings, Congress held a hearing on the subject.
Mercer Adds to Outsourcing Biz
Mercer enhanced its current participant education offering by partnering with independent financial services expert Robert Powell.
Morningstar Principia Adds Practice Management Software
Morningstar entered into an agreement to acquire Financial Computer Support, Inc. (FCSI), the company said.
Searching for Clarity
Target-dates useful but flawed, witnesses tell SEC and DoL
Lincoln Explains 403(b) Service Features
During a Webcast yesterday, Lincoln executives outlined the details of their 403(b) offering.
Schwab Hosts Adviser Workshops to Tackle Technology
SOLUTIONS 2008, Schwab Institutional’s annual regional workshop series about technology best practices for advisers, kicks off today in Boston.
MassMutual To Host Free Adviser Webcast About Non-profit Market
MassMutual's Retirement Services Division is offering a free WebEx session exclusively for retirement plan advisers to discuss 'Opportunities in the Nonprofit Market.'
sales champ
Spinning the Web
Web education tools can help advisers communicate more efficiently and effectively
State Street Launches SPDR Education Center
State Street Global Advisors (SSgA) launched SPDR University, a Web site offering proprietary research and educational materials about exchange-traded products (ETPs), markets, portfolio strategies, and practice management for...
IMHO: One More Thing To Do
Last week, the Connecticut legislature didn’t get around to voting on a bill that would have effectively set up a state-sponsored 401(k) plan for small businesses.
IMHO: One More Thing To Do
Last week, the Connecticut legislature didn’t get around to voting on a bill that would have effectively set up a state-sponsored 401(k) plan for small businesses.
DoL Offers Free Web Cast on Plan Filing Requirements
If you’re confused about the 5500 reporting requirements, the Department of Labor is ready to offer you some free help.
Hancock Announces TPA Training Effort
John Hancock Retirement Plan Services (RPS) unveiled a Web-facilitated training program for its 401(k) third party administrators (TPAs) called Forum Coach.