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Pay Check
Sometimes, tracking your income can be the hardest part of serving the retirement plan market
Buddy System
Retirement plan relationships are evolving from a casual give-and-take toward something more formal
XTF Launches ETF Lifecycle Family
A new fund offering looks to capitalize on two emerging industry trends — lifecycle offerings and exchange-traded offerings.
Will ETFs Catch On With 401(k) Plans?
The most alluring feature of ETF-based retirement accounts is their cost advantage. Darwin Abrahamson, CEO of Invest n Retire in Portland, Oregon, and a 401(k) innovator, contends he...
Inside: Exchange Traded Funds
Exchange-traded funds, or ETFs, appear to be enjoying a resurgence in popularity among 401(k) providers.
Seligman Adds to ETF Target Fund Offering
Seligman Advisors, Inc. has added two new funds to its TargetHorizon ETF Portfolios offering.
Panel Says "Flaw-ridden" DC Model Needs Help
Current trends are leading to an emerging generation of longer-working individuals forced to become personal
SAR Steps
If you administer a plan with over 100 participants, the deadline is approaching for providing those participants with one of the required documents, a Summary Annual Report (SAR).
Beware the Ides of March
In 44 B.C. a soothsayer advised Julius Caesar to "Beware the Ides of March." It's an admonition that can still apply to 401(k) plan administration today when it...
Are You A Fiduciary?
"Fiduciary" is a word that is generally used in the company of ominous terms like "responsibility" or "liability." But is it a word that describes your role, and...
CFOs Say Auto Enrollment Biggest 401(k) Change after PPA
Nearly four in 10 (38%) of the chief financial officers (CFO) in a recent survey said their firms expected to add 401(k) automatic enrollment programs as a result...