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Vanguard Edges into Bond ETF Market

Vanguard is adding exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which will be structured as separate share classes of existing mutual funds, to its four existing bond index funds in an effort...

XTF Adds Two Portfolios to its ETF Offering

Asset manager XTF has added a Sector Rotation Portfolio and a Country Rotation Portfolio to its lineup of exchange-traded fund (ETF) offerings, which will be offered to investors...

SaveDaily Upgrades 401(k) Statement Tool

Recordkeeping technology provider can now post vesting to 401(k) participant statements and is now offering fulfillment options including electronic and mail distribution.

Eaton Vance Managers 'Bullish' About 2007

“Every investor should dial up their equity exposure [in 2007],″ said Duncan Richardson, Executive Vice President and Chief Equity Investment Officer of Eaton Vance Management, at a press...