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IMHO: “Never, Ever″ Land

It’s an undisputed fact that the vast majority of retirement plan participants never rebalance their accounts.

Global Equity Picture Is Mixed in January

Emerging markets dropped by 0.11% over the month of January, while developed markets gained 1.20%, but developed market returns trailed emerging markets for both the three- and 12-month...

Time for a Change?

You may have noticed that the days are getting longer – but are you ready to spring forward?

AIG SunAmerica Partners with TPA PAi

AIG SunAmerica Retirement Markets has announced a partnership with plan administrator PAi, Inc., as part of AIG’s Polaris401 (k) program for small- to medium-sized companies.

XShares Creates ETFs with NY Firm

XShares Advisors LLC has announced its agreement with Elliott Wave International, Inc. (EWI) to create exchange traded funds (ETFs) based on technical methods developed or validated by EWI.