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Estimated $215,000 Needed for Retiree Health Care Costs
The average 65-year-old couple needs an estimated $215,000 to cover health care costs in retirement, $15,000 more than was predicted last year, according to research by Fidelity Investments.
Money Managers Fret About Inflation, Softening Real Estate Market
The latest Russell Investment Group poll of U.S. money managers finds an optimistic outlook tempered by concerns about conditions that could cause a market stumble.
$14M Award to Brokers Fired For Market-Timing Upheld
Rejecting Merrill Lynch’s requests to throw out the award, a federal judge upheld a $14 million award to three former Merrill Lynch brokers fired over allegations of improper...
Workers under 35 Interested in Investment Advice
Younger participants are more likely to want advice about in choosing their investments, but those in the $50,000 and under income bracket are the most likely (37%) to...
Lincoln Taps Two for Adviser Recruiting Arm
Lincoln Financial Network, the retail distribution division of Lincoln Financial Group, has tapped Dee Morgan and David Taksen for its financial planner/adviser recruiting group.
Salient Joins Fidelity’s Ring of RIAs
Salient Wealth Management LLC will now be included in Fidelity Investments’ Wealth Advisor Solutions, which gives customers of the financial services firm the opportunity to build relationships with...
Boomer Retirements Fuel Annuity Sales
Advisers who currently target small businesses – or who work with individual participants at businesses of any size – could see a major shift over the next decade,...
Most Tell SPARK They’re Ready for 22c-2
Nearly all recordkeepers say they’ll be ready for the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) Rule 22c-2 deadline of April 16.
Six New SPDR ETFs Emerge at State Street
The investment management arm of State Street Corporation has added six emerging markets exchange-traded funds (ETF) to its SPDRs ETF lineup.
RolloverSystems Snags NRP Contract
California-based National Retirement Partners Inc (NRP) has signed RolloverSystems to help with its asset-retention and rollover strategy.
VisionLink Joins M Financial Group
California-based VisionLink Corporate Insurance Services, LLC (VCIS) has become a member firm of M Financial Group, a network of independent insurance, investment, and executive benefit firms.
A Matter of Perspective
A new study offers powerful evidence on the importance of listening.
Plan Adviser Giving Investment Advice is a Fiduciary
A brokerage firm that gave investment advice to a profit sharing plan for a fee is considered a fiduciary under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), according...
ISS to Acquire Investment Scorecard, Expand Wealth Management Services
Informa Investment Solutions, Inc. (IIS) is set to expand its wealth management services with the acquisition of Investment Scorecard, a company that provides fully outsourced, integrated client reporting...
Most Target Date Fund Strategies Flawed
A recently released white paper from JPMorgan Asset Management Group suggests most industry assumptions for target-date funds are oversimplified.
Vanguard Leads Fund Companies in Client Loyalty
More than two-thirds of major mutual fund companies have negative customer loyalty scores, according to a recent study by Cogent Research.
Tool Depicts Auto-Provisions on DC Plans
Prudential Retirement now offers an Autopilot Impact Tool, an interactive, PC-based resource, that allows advisers to help their clients model the impact of these two autopilot options.
Saver’s Credit Still a “Mystery″, According to Transamerica Data
Surveys suggest that the take-up rate on the so-called Saver’s Credit is relatively tepid.
Road Warriors, Beware!
If you access your retirement accounts online while on the road, be careful.