Russell Launches Global Equity Index

Russell Investment Group unveiled a new index Wednesday meant to satiate asset managers’ increasing thirst for more global investment options.

The two primary reasons for creating the Russell Global Indexes are plan sponsors’ willingness to look outside global benchmarks and take greater risks and the constant search for higher returns that has been popping up in the small-cap sector of emerging markets, said Mark Thurston, Head of Global Equity Research at Russell, at a press conference in New York City.

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The index covers 98% of the investable global market, including more than 10,000 stocks and is divided into a family of indexes that cover 22 regions and 63 countries that are picked by float-adjusted market capitalization and their trading liquidity.

The spilt among stocks includes Russell 3000 Index as its U.S. component (1,000 large cap and 2,000 small cap) and approximately 2,000, non-U.S. large-cap and approximately 5,000 non-U.S. small-cap stocks.

David Grieger, Managing Director, Russell Indexes also highlighted another reason for coming out with a global index, as globalization nudges investment managers to realize “they can’t live in their own domestic marketplace.” He also pointed out that managers are no longer honing in on a particular country to make investments, but are increasingly looking at companies and sectors.

“These investors are finding that distinctions between traditionally “emerging’ and “developed’ markets have blurred as companies and financial markets grow in sophistication,” Grieger said at the press conference. “While the new investment panorama has increased opportunities for investors, it also has made it more difficult to evaluate performance.”

According to a news release, the other key features of the Russell Global Indexes include:

  • The global-design eliminates the gaps and overlaps created by other index providers when investment managers benchmark portfolios to different regional indexes. It also helps investors avoid sampling bias inherent in indexes that only include selected stocks in different countries or regions.

  • Market capitalization breaks are applied globally, not on a country-by-country basis, to make sure companies of the same size are accurately represented in the large- and small-cap indexes across regions and countries. For example, Russell uses the same cutoff point to determine small-cap stocks in the UK as it does in Panama.

  • Russell’s global small-cap universe includes more than 7,000 investable companies from countries throughout the world. It includes the Russell 2000 as well as the Russell Nomura Small Cap Index in Japan.

  • The modular design enables access to numerous market segments across a variety of dimensions. For example, it offers access to large-cap or small-cap stocks across regions or countries.

For more information on Russell Global Indexes, including daily performance returns, please go to

TRAK-Gap Brings “Clarity” to Federal Workplace Advisers

Advisers in the federal retirement marketplace now have a new tool to illustrate retirement savings shortfalls with “vivid clarity.”
The new TRAK-Gap Analysis calculator from Trust Builders, Inc., (formerly known as The Annuity People, Inc.) comes pre-loaded with illustrations for both the Federal Employee Retirement (FERS) plan and the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) plan, including calculations for the Federal Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) and Catch-62, according to a press release from the Portland, Oregon-based firm.
The TRAK-Gap Analysis Calculator was developed with assistance from Federal Employee Benefits Specialists, Inc., a division of the Snow-Cap Agency. “We train advisers how to quickly capture a client’s benefits portrait, but we haven’t had an illustration tool for them to use to quickly and vividly illustrate whether their client was on target for a comfortable retirement or not,” said Judy Snow, president of the Snow-Cap Agency. “The TRAK-Gap Analysis Calculator fills that void for our advisers and their clients.”
Other Income, Distribution Impacts
The tool also illustrates other income sources, including:
  • retirement investments,
  • part-time work,
  • annuities and
  • lump-sum values such as life insurance
Additionally, special retirement distributions like special vacations or the effects of a long-term care (LTC) or some other catastrophic event, can be illustrated.
The demo can be downloaded at
The Gap Analysis Calculator costs $295 and can be downloaded from
Sample Gap Analysis calculator illustration graphics can be viewed in a PDF file or on the web site at



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