Retirement Advisers Can Benefit from Life Insurance Knowhow

Some 40% of investors say they are fundamentally interested in life insurance products—and many are interested in speaking with wealth advisers about how to use them properly. 

According to LIMRA’s 2016 Life Insurance Ownership Study, financial advisers should consider offering clients an annual review of life insurance needs and strategies.

While the actual sale and service of life insurance may not seem appealing or practical to some advisers, they can still play an important role. Some 40% of investors say they are fundamentally interested in life insurance products—and many are interested in speaking with wealth advisers about how to use them properly.

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Based on LIMRA’s Life Insurance Needs Model, 48% of U.S. households have a life insurance coverage gap below what is considered optimal—$200,000 on average.

“Among households with children under 18, four in 10 say they would be in immediate financial trouble if a primary wage earner died today,” the research explains. “Another three in 10 would have trouble keeping up with basic living expenses after several months. But across all ages under 65, the income replacement rate (number of years covered) has declined since 2010.”

Against this backdrop the role for advisers to play is clear, LIMRA suggests.

“This is an opportunity for financial professionals to reach out to their clients and engage with new prospects,” researchers suggest. “LIMRA’s research shows that the majority of households (56%) said they were more likely to buy when advised by a trusted financial professional. And more than one-third (35%) of married couples with dependent children want to speak with a financial professional about their life insurance needs.”

The data shows six in 10 say they don’t know what to buy or how much they need; one of the biggest obstacles to purchasing is a lack of information.

“More than a third of U.S. households who believe they need more life insurance say they haven’t purchased because they haven’t been approached by a financial professional,” LIMRA finds.

There is also the impending Department of Labor (DOL) fiduciary rule reform to consider, which could impact the balance of assets directed to annuities, life insurance and other investment product silos. In addition, observers have suggested the nature of the new fiduciary rule could create an environment in which more holistic wealth planning is promoted, potentially giving a boost to life insurance sales.  

The full LIMRA analysis is available here

Push Into Smart Beta Has Paid Off for Institutional Investors

Estimates from a Sharpe model imply that their outperformance comes from greater nuance in factor exposures, or “smart beta” investing.

Using a dataset of $17 trillion of assets under management, researchers document that actively managed institutional accounts outperformed strategy benchmarks by 86 (42) basis points gross (net) during 2000 to 2012.

In return, asset managers collected $162 billion in fees per year for managing 29% of worldwide capital. Estimates from a Sharpe model imply that their outperformance comes from greater nuance in factor exposures (smart beta).

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Joseph Gerakos, from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College; Adair Morse, from the University of California, Berkeley; and Juhani T. Linnainmaa, from the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business, obtained data for the 2000 to 2012 period from a global consultant that advises pension funds, endowments, and other institutional investors on the allocation of capital to asset managers.

In asset manager language, they explored the importance of smart beta or tactical factor allocations. They explain that the words smart and tactical refer to tilting portfolios toward toward better-performing factors. Their estimates tie positive performance directly to smart beta investing. They document that institutional asset managers outperformed strategy benchmarks by 42 basis points net of $162 billion in annual fees and that smart beta investing entirely explained this outperformance.

Researcher suggest that because the unit of observation in institution-level studies includes both delegated and non-delegated capital, an implication of the results is that non-delegated institutional capital likely underperforms delegated institutional capital. Furthermore, there are differences in asset classes covered. Most institution-level studies focus on the U.S. public equity asset class. In these results, U.S. public equities have the lowest positive alpha relative to strategy benchmarks.

NEXT: Is delegation to an asset manager worth the cost?

The results from the Sharpe analysis raise the question as to whether delegation to an asset manager was worth $162 billion per year. Could institutions have performed as well over the sample period by instead managing their assets in-house, assuming that they had the knowledge and ability to implement a factor portfolio?

The researchers consider the investment opportunity set of tradable indices that was available to institutions during the sample period, and find that if institutions had implemented dynamic, long-only mean-variance portfolios to obtain their within-asset class exposures, they would have obtained a similar Sharpe ratio as asset manager funds, taking into account trading and administrative costs.

This finding suggests that asset managers earned their fees at the margin. The researchers’ estimates also imply that the introduction of liquid, low-cost factor exchange-traded funds (ETFs) is likely eroding the comparative advantage of asset manager funds.

The data cover $18 trillion of annual assets on average over 2000 to 2012. The data include quarterly assets and client counts, monthly returns, and fee structures for 22,289 asset manager funds marketed by 3,272 asset manager firms. The median fund pools six clients and has $285 million in capital invested in a strategy. The analysis focuses on four asset classes: U.S. fixed income (21% of delegated institutional assets), global fixed income (27%), U.S. public equity (21%) and global public equities (31%). These asset classes represent the lion’s share of global invested capital. In these asset classes, researchers have close to the universe of institutional asset managers that were open to new investors during this period.

The report, “Asset Managers: Institutional Performance and Smart Betas” may be purchased or downloaded for free from



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