the third quarter, institutional asset owners lost 4.6% at the median,
according to Northern Trust Universe data.
1998, the third quarter has averaged a -0.25% return. This year’s third-quarter
return ranks in the bottom quartile all-time of third-quarter returns, as
measured by Northern Trust Universe data.
Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) plans were the relative best
performer among plan types last quarter, losing 3.9% at the median, while
Foundations & Endowments lost 4.7% and Public Funds lost 4.9%. Corporate
ERISA plans returned to having the highest relative return after being the
worst-returning plan type in the second quarter. All plan types had a median
decline of at least two percentage points compared with the prior quarter.
the smallest exposure to equities was a key factor behind the relative
outperformance of corporate ERISA plans,” says Bill Frieske, senior investment
performance consultant, Northern Trust Investment Risk & Analytical
Services. “Another factor helping corporate ERISA plans was the longer duration
of their fixed income programs. Corporate pension plans generally have been lengthening the duration of
their fixed income programs while at the same time adding dollars to the
allocation relative to Public Funds and Foundations & Endowments. The third quarter saw interest rates decline, pushing up returns for long duration bonds.”
NEXT: The better performing investments
equity, real estate and fixed income programs all generated positive results in
the third quarter, while U.S. equity and international equity were
significantly negative, Northern Trust reports. Private equity was the best
returning asset class in the third quarter with the median private equity
program up 3%. Real estate was up about 2.3%, and the median bond program was
up only 0.4%. International equity was down more than 10%, and the median U.S.
equity program was down 7.6%.
Trust’s findings generally showed Corporate ERISA plan returns were helped by a
large allocation to U.S. fixed income (39% at the median), in addition to
private equity (7.5% at the median). Public Fund returns were dampened by a
large exposure to U.S. equity (31.2% at the median) and international equity
(21% at the median). Foundation & Endowment plan returns were supported by a
large allocation towards private equity (25%), but negatively impacted by
exposure to domestic equity (19.2%) and international equity (11.2%).
at asset allocation in the third quarter, corporate pension plans continued to
move on a path of de-risking by moving from equity to fixed income investments.
Public Funds continued to move money into private equity and international
equity. The median allocation to private equity for Public Funds went from 1.6%
last December to 5.8% currently. Foundations & Endowments reduced their allocation
to fixed income from 16% to 11% while continuing to allocate to hedge funds and
private equity.
The Northern Trust
Universe tracks the performance of about 300 large U.S. institutional
investment plans, with a combined asset value of approximately $899 billion,
which subscribe to performance measurement services as part of Northern Trust’s
asset servicing offerings.
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A participant in retirement plans sponsored by Intel
Corporation has filed a lawsuit claiming custom-built investment portfolios
within the plan are too heavily invested in imprudent investments.
The gravamen of the complaint is that the asset-allocation
models adopted by the retirement plans’ investment committee departed
dramatically from prevailing standards employed by professional investment
managers and plan fiduciaries, and as a result, caused participants to suffer
massive losses and excessive fees. However, the lawsuit more subtly hints that
what some would call “best practices” in defined contribution retirement plans
caused a great number of participants to be invested in these alleged improper
Plaintiff Christopher M. Sulyma, on behalf of two proposed
classes of participants in the Intel 401(k) Savings Plan and the Intel
Retirement Contribution Plan, claims that the defendants breached their
fiduciary duties by investing a significant portion of the plans’ assets in
risky and high-cost hedge fund and private equity investments. According to the
complaint, beginning in 2011, the investment committee dramatically altered the
asset-allocation model for the Intel custom target-date portfolios (TDPs) by increasing
Intel TDP investments in hedge funds from about $50 million to $680 million, an
increase of 1,300%. Similarly, the investment committee increased exposure to
hedge funds and private equity investments during 2009 through 2014 in a
custom-built Intel Global Diversified Fund. During this period the Diversified
Fund’s investment in hedge funds increased from about $582 million to $1.665
billion, an increase of approximately 286%; the fund’s investment in private
equity increased from about $83 million to $810 million, an increase of 968%.
NEXT: Underperformance due to risky investments
The lawsuit says the Intel TDPs have underperformed peer
TDFs by approximately 400 basis points annually. Although defendants failed to
provide documents to participants disclosing the amount invested by the 401(k)
plan via Intel TDPs, the amount was estimated in June 2015 to be approximately
$3.63 billion. “Given the underperformance compared to peer TDFs, and the
billions of dollars allocated to Intel TDPs, the plans have lost hundreds of
millions of dollars that they would have otherwise earned had the Intel TDPs
been prudently allocated since 2011,” the complaint states.
The lawsuit compared Intel’s 2030 TDP to what it calls “peer
group” target-date funds, and asserted that the peer group funds do not
allocate any assets to hedge funds and very few have even small commodity
stakes. Further, peer funds allocate 70% of equity assets to U.S. stocks and
30% to foreign, whereas the Intel 2030 TDP allocates more than 50% of equity
investments to foreign stocks. According to the complaint, an index fund-based
suite of target-date funds offered by Fidelity Investments yielded, on average,
more than 4.5 times the returns of the suite of Intel TDPs. The lawsuit says if
the investment committee had selected index funds for the Intel TDPs, the
401(k) plan and its participants would be far better off.
Similarly, the lawsuit claims the Diversified Fund has
underperformed peer balanced funds. From May 2007, when the Diversified Fund
began investing in hedge funds and private equity, through May 2014, the fund
underperformed a Vanguard balanced fund, the LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund,
by approximately 50 basis points annually. As of June 2015, the Retirement
Contribution Plan invested the vast majority of its assets in the Diversified
Fund—$5.82 billion out of $6.66 billion. The lawsuit alleges the underperformance
is largely due to the “massive allocations to hedge funds and private equity,
almost $2.5 billion as of the end of 2014.”
Additionally, the complaint accused the plans’
administrative committee of failing to adequately disclose to participants the
risks, fees and expenses associated with investment in hedge funds and private
equity. Participants were given virtually no information about these
investments other than that there were some hedge fund and private equity
investments made by the plan, and information in filings with the Department of
Labor discloses only the name of the hedge fund or private equity investment,
the costs and last year’s value. Virtually nothing about the strategy, the
risks, the fees or anything about underlying investments was disclosed in
anything that defendants provided to or made available to participants.
NEXT: “Best practices” put most participants in imprudent
The Intel plans offer nine “white-labeled” investment funds
as a core menu for participants as well as for the underlying funds for its
asset-allocation portfolios, as follows:
Investments (aka Private Equity Fund), which invests in more than 50
private equity investment partnerships;
Fund, investing in two commodities funds and a commodities hedge fund;
Markets Fund, which invests in two emerging market funds and two emerging
market private equity funds;
Bond Fund, which invests largely in debt securities;
Fund, investing in more than 20 hedge fund investment partnerships;
Stock Fund, investing in two international stock funds and equity
Cap Fund, which invests in three small cap funds and small cap equity
Value Fund, which invests in several guaranteed investment contracts and
pooled separate accounts; and
Large Cap Fund, investing in four large cap equity funds.
The lawsuit notes that, since the TDPs and the Diversified
Fund invest in these underlying funds in an amount determined by the investment
committee, it is the investment committee that manages and dictates
participants’ assets allocated to each fund, and not the participants’ choice.
The lawsuit further alleges that participants were not given information about
how much of their assets were allocated to private equity and hedge fund
investments or information about how risky and more expensive these assets are.
Participants in the 401(k) plan were automatically enrolled
into the plan at a 6% default deferral percentage which automatically increases
2% per year up to a maximum of 16%. Participants who fail to select their
investment allocation are defaulted into the Intel TDP that corresponds with their
age. However, the complaint notes that in 2011, Intel performed a reallocation,
mapping existing participant accounts in the 401(k) plan into the customized
Intel TDPs unless they opted out. According to a PIMCO DC Dialogue interview
with Stuart Odell, in March/April 2014, as a result of this reallocation,
approximately two-thirds of existing participants were mapped into the TDPs.
The 401(k) plan had 62,838 participants with account balances and
$7,895,030,553 in total assets as of December 31, 2014.
According to the complaint, the Retirement Contribution Plan
also used automatic enrollment, but effective January 1, 2011, it was closed to
new participants. It continues to cover eligible employees. Intel makes
discretionary contributions to the plan, but employees do not. The plan
document requires that participants younger than 50 are required to invest
their accounts in the Diversified Fund. Between January 1, 2007, and March 31,
2009, participants older than 50 were given the chance to diversify their assets
into an Intel TDP. As of April 1, 2009, participants older than 50 could elect
to invest their accounts in an Intel TDP or in the Intel Stable Value Fund.
Beginning January 1, 2015, participants in the Retirement Contribution Plan are
allowed to elect to have their accounts in the plan invested in whatever funds
or portfolios the investment committee made available as an option. According
to the 2014 Form 5500 filed August 16, 2015, the Retirement Contribution Plan
had 48,272 participants with account balances and $6,722,726,892 in total
assets as of December 31, 2014.
NEXT: What’s wrong with investing in hedge and private
equity funds?
The lawsuit goes into great detail about why the plaintiffs
believe hedge funds and private equity funds are inappropriate investments for
Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) retirement plans. The complaint
notes that before the investment committee changed the Intel TDP allocations in
2011, the fees for the Intel TDPs ranged from 65 basis points to 71 basis
points—already higher than index-based target-date funds such as those offered
by Fidelity. But, the increased allocation to hedge funds increased the
expenses of the Intel TDPs to between 130 to 136 basis points. “This
significant investment and allocation to high-fee hedge funds and private
equity added no value. To the contrary, investing in high-fee hedge funds and
private equity caused the Intel TDPs to consistently and substantially
underperform index-based [target-date funds] since 2011,” the complaint
The lawsuit argues that hedge funds have been traditionally
limited to “accredited investors” who have more than $200,000 in annual income
and/or more than $1,000,000 in net worth, restricting these investments to
those who can afford to lose their invested principal. “Retirement accounts
encompass all levels from the C-suite to those working in the shipping
department. Managing a retirement plan therefore must focus always on the most
vulnerable participant. Higher earning participants can choose to take more
risk, but [target-date funds] are designed for everyone and need to be
constructed to protect the average employee.”
Hedge funds lack the transparency of publicly traded funds
such as mutual funds, the lawsuit alleges, and the desire of the hedge fund
manager to keep an investment methodology private is in direct conflict with a
plan fiduciary’s duty to monitor such a methodology. In addition, it is very
difficult for retirement plan fiduciaries to evaluate the performance of hedge
funds, because of the wide variety of hedge fund strategies; the substantial
rate of turnover of funds opening and closing; the selection bias created when
new funds choose not to report returns until after they have a run of good
years; and the survivorship bias created when closed funds simply disappear
from hedge fund indices, the lawsuit claims.
NEXT: What happens when transparency is lacking
The lawsuit also cites a Government Accountability Office
(GAO) report that found retirement plans investing in hedge funds are also exposed to greater
operational risks than presented by traditional investments. Hedge
funds are not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and
are subject to few regulatory controls. In addition, hedge fund strategies can
be exceedingly complex, and the lawsuit says, a prudent fiduciary must be
capable of understanding the strategy in order to evaluate whether it is
appropriate for investment of retirement plan assets. “Even if the plan
fiduciary is able to gain visibility of a hedge fund’s investment strategy, the
detailed holdings of a hedge fund portfolio are not disclosed to individual
investors,” the complaint
In addition, the lawsuit claims private equity advisers have
been criticized for their valuation practices, such as using a valuation
methodology that is different from the one that has been disclosed to investors
or changing the valuation methodology from period to period without additional
disclosure. “Such valuation practices make it exceedingly difficult, if not
impossible, to monitor manager performance and evaluate fees accurately where
fees are tied to assets under management and therefore increase as valuations
increase.” It adds that the high fees of private equity funds can have a
significant negative impact on net investment returns.
The Intel fiduciaries are accused of not properly conducting
a prudent investigation. “In addition to the Investment Committee’s personal
experience with hedge fund underperformance in 2008, numerous studies and
reports published in the years before and after the 2008 financial crisis questioned
the value of hedge funds,” the lawsuit says, arguing that, because of these
things, the investment committee knew or should have known hedge funds were an
imprudent investment for the TDPs and Diversified Fund.
A spokesperson for Intel tells PLANADVISER the company has no comment about the lawsuit at this time.
The complaint in Sulyma v. Intel Corporation is here.