Prudential Q Shares Address Fee Transparency Needs

Prudential Investments announced the launch of its Q Share class for select mutual funds; designed to meet fee transparency needs of group retirement plans.

The shares do not charge 12b-1 service fees and have minimal Transfer Agency fees, allowing plan providers and sponsors flexibility in choosing pricing structures.   

According to the announcement, a plan’s financial intermediary and/or recordkeeper will have the option to offer Class Q shares for eligible funds. Plans that decide to offer these shares may convert their current holdings in another share class of a Prudential fund to the fund’s Class Q shares. Eligible plans include 401(k) and 403(b) plans, Keoghs, Profit Sharing Pension plans and Simple IRA plans among others.   

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“As plan providers deal with the implementation of new government regulation for greater fee transparency, Prudential Investments is introducing the Q Share Class for select funds to help them fulfill that responsibility to plan participants,” said Michael Rosenberg, head of Prudential Investments’ Investment Only Defined Contribution group, in the announcement.  
