Charting Success for 2024

Appraise your past performance, then set new goals.
Reported by Rebecca ­Hourihan

As 2023 ends, it’s a great time to evaluate your current business goals and assess your progress. Did you hit your targets? Were there areas for improvement? And, most importantly, what should you focus on next year? Let’s take a closer look.

2024 is a new beginning and a fresh start for your business. Setting achievable marketing goals and measuring progress is critical for your success in retaining clients and earning new ones. By incorporating the suggestions at right, you can improve your marketing efforts and goal achievement in the new year.

Evaluate Progress

Before you can set new goals, you need to appraise your past performance. Start by reviewing your existing marketing plan. Did you execute it consistently? Consider the metrics you’ve been tracking—website traffic, social media, email marketing—and compare them with your goals. Did you hit your targets? If not, what got in the way? Be sure to be honest with yourself about what worked and what didn’t.

Set SMART Goals 

Once you’ve reflected on this year’s progress, it’s time to set new goals. Remember to keep them SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. Set clear objectives for website traffic, social media engagement, lead generation and client conversion. Ensure that your goals are aligned with your overall business objectives. Consider the resources you have available, and chart a plan to achieve your goals.

Establish Key Strategies

When setting your 2024 business development goals, consider my following recommendations:

Focus on LinkedIn: LinkedIn is the ideal ­platform for retirement plan advisers. It allows you to connect with decisionmakers, share your expertise, publish content and cultivate relationships. It is crucial to spend some dedicated time on LinkedIn every day.

Subscribe to Content: Staying up to date with current industry trends is essential to serving your clients. Make sure you’re subscribing to ­reliable sources of information related to the industry. This will keep you in the know and provide your clients with the most current and valuable information.

Use AI: AI is an increasingly popular tool in the financial industry. It can help you streamline your marketing efforts, save time and better serve your clients. Consider trying AI tools that can help with marketing efforts such as copy for social media posts or introduction emails to referrals.

Get Feedback: When was the last time you asked your clients for their thoughts about your marketing? Make sure you do so regularly to evaluate their satisfaction with your communication efforts. It will help you identify and prioritize any areas needing improvement.


Rebecca ­Hourihan

Founder of 401(k) Marketing, in San Diego, ­California, has over 15 years of experience helping 401(k) advisers build brand awareness and ­promote their specialized skill sets.