LIVE WEBINAR TODAY: The Future of Health Care

Join us this afternoon at 2:00 p.m. EST for the next edition of the 2021 Practice Progress webinar series. The topic is The Future of Health Care—and What It Means for Retirement Planning.

Reported by John Manganaro

Join us August 10, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. EST for the next edition of the 2021 Practice Progress webinar series. The topic is The Future of Health Care—and What It Means for Retirement Planning.

As health care costs rise, there is more overlap than ever between health decisions and financial decisions. So much is obvious to forward-thinking financial advisers, but what is less clear is where health care itself is heading in the 21st century.

On the one hand, astounding technological progress is being made in the treatment of many diseases and infirmities, and collective lifestyle habits pertaining to diet and exercise are doing their part to improve the length and quality of human life. On the other hand, the world remains in the grip of a destructive and deadly pandemic that has already reduced the average U.S. life expectancy by more than a year and a half—and closer to three years for Black and Hispanic Americans. This was the steepest decline since World War II, and the situation could get worse before it gets better.

Simply put, advisers must be cognizant of these facts and work to integrate their clients’ financial, mental and physical wellness into one comprehensive picture. For example, beyond developing an appreciation for navigating the health care and insurance systems, it is becoming increasingly important to understand health savings accounts (HSAs) and their potential role in retirement planning. Join us as we share insights on how HSAs have evolved in today’s health care landscape, the impact of current events on health care expenses/savings, and opportunities now to prepare for future health-related expenses. There will also be a discussion of government-provided benefits, such as Medicare and Social Security, and how these can be factored into planning efforts.

Thanks to American Century Investments for sponsoring this timely and important webinar!

Sign up for the webinar (and the entire 2021 Practice Progress series) here.

Advice, Client satisfaction, Financial Wellness, Health care,
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