Are Sponsors Satisfied? Yes … And No

Most are pleased with their adviser, yet many are shopping around
Reported by John Manganaro

Fidelity Investments announced the results of its eighth annual Plan Sponsor Attitudes survey, which revealed that a sizable majority of plan sponsors (65%) are highly satisfied with the service their advisers provide.

However, as seen in the last several editions of the survey, Fidelity reports that a record number of plan sponsors are actively looking to replace their adviser. Nearly four in 10 (38%) sponsors suggest they are doing so, up from 30% last year. The ongoing study, which began in 2008, surveys employers who offer retirement plans that use a wide variety of recordkeepers and have at least 25 participants and $10 million in plan assets.

Even with the strong marks from plan sponsor clients, this is not the time for advisers to lie back and rest on their accomplishments, warns Jordan Burgess, head of specialist field sales overseeing defined contribution investment only (DCIO) sales at Fidelity Institutional Asset Management.

 “While most plan sponsors remain satisfied with their advisers, they are raising their expectations,” he explains. “For some advisers, this could put their business at risk. For others, this could be an opportunity to win new clients.”

Burgess says the data is clear: “Successful plan advisers are those who are aware of their dual mandate to help plan participants achieve their retirement outcomes, and to support plan sponsors with the challenges associated with offering a defined contribution [DC] plan and other employee benefits.”

Other findings show “reducing business costs related to having a plan” is the top concern for sponsors, with 31% citing it as an area of focus. Other important themes for plan sponsors include managing their fiduciary responsibility (23%), preparing employees for retirement (22%) and minimizing the risk of litigation and liability (18%).

The Fidelity research highlights the competing priorities and challenges employers face when allocating time, budget and resources to providing benefits to their employees.

“In terms of overall benefits, the plan sponsors said health care ranks No. 1, before retirement benefits in order of importance,” Burgess says.

Plan Sponsors’ Chief Concerns

plan costs
their fiduciary
for retirement
off litigation
Source: Fidelity Investments

Sponsors’ Views on Advisers

  • Highly satisfied with the service they provide
  • Active looking for a new adviser
Source: Fidelity Investments

Business model, Client satisfaction, Practice management,
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