SunGard Launches Real-Time Compliance Monitoring Tool
According to a release, the system aggregates information from multiple transaction processing systems and presents centralized workflows and views of information in real-time. It also includes an audit trail showing that the firm has properly supervised its outsourcing provider.
The dashboard monitors the progress of trades and displays any problems that may occur. By capturing the trade reporting data from the back-office system, the dashboard gives managers the ability to know instantly when the trade was executed and entered, when the back-office sent it to the regulator, and whether or not the trade was rejected. The application color codes the summary of trade status with the option to receive more detail in order to view problems or delays in the trade.
As the current regulatory environment emphasizes reporting transactions within a given timeline, SunGard stresses the importance of real-time monitoring.
“There is inherent regulatory and litigation risk behind every error and every failed transaction,’ said Gerry Murphy, president of SunGard’s brokerage and clearance business. “Many broker/dealers struggle with bringing back-office information to the middle- and front-offices, which can lead to regulatory issues. SunGard’s StreamCore Compliance Dashboard helps bridge these gaps by tying real-time profit and loss information to back-office information, providing accurate firm profitability on a daily basis, and unifying the presentation of information across disparate platforms.’
SunGard said the first version of its StreamCore Compliance Dashboard provides alerting and workflow capabilities for the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) and The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority’s (FINRA) Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE)—both of which require quick turnaround after trade execution.